JBossMQ integration with JBossWeb
Step 1: Install JBossWeb
Get the latest version from http://www.jboss.com/products/jbossweb
We'll call the JBossWeb install directory JBOSSWEB_HOME
Step 2: Download JBossAS
Get the correct version of JBossAS that JBossWeb is based on. For instance JBossWeb 1.0.1GA is based on JBossAS 4.0.5GA
We'll call the JBossAS install directory JBOSS_HOME
=============================================================================== . JBoss Web Server 1.0.1.GA Bootstrap Environment ...... =============================================================================== . 15:19:41,872 INFO [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)... 15:19:41,888 INFO [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Zion] 4.0.5.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_4_0 date=200610162339)
Step 3: Import the JBossMQ configuration
Import JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib/jbossmq.jar into JBOSSWEB_HOME/server/default/lib/
Import JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jms into JBOSSWEB_HOME/server/default/deploy
Step 4: Reconfigure the JMS provider loader
The JMS Provider loader configuration has to be updated in order to access the connection factories bound on the remote jndi tree.
Edit JBOSSWEB_HOME/server/default/deploy/jms/jms-ds.xml
<!-- The JMS provider loader --> <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader" name="jboss.mq:service=JMSProviderLoader,name=JMSProvider"> <attribute name="ProviderName">DefaultJMSProvider</attribute> <attribute name="ProviderAdapterClass"> org.jboss.jms.jndi.JNDIProviderAdapter </attribute> <!-- The combined connection factory --> <attribute name="FactoryRef">XAConnectionFactory</attribute> <!-- The queue connection factory --> <attribute name="QueueFactoryRef">XAConnectionFactory</attribute> <!-- The topic factory --> <attribute name="TopicFactoryRef">XAConnectionFactory</attribute> <attribute name="Properties"> java.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces java.naming.provider.url= </attribute>
Step 5: Write a JSP client
The client should create connections from the connection factory bound by the JMS Resource Adapter at "java:/JmsXA"
Check out the following wiki page for details JBossJMSRA
Example: JSP client
Create a folder named test.war into /deploy and drop in it the attached JSP page (test.jsp)
Open a browser window and go to http://localhost:8080/test/test.jsp