Head (Branch 1.1)
1. Preparation
Update version properties
build/build.properties: property lib.jbpm.bpel.version
Update the release notes. Make sure they include the jira release notes
Create or move the cvs tag bpel_<version_with_underscores> (e.g. bpel_1_1_ga)
Verify references to the old version with a search
2. Verification
Verify there are no outstanding issues in jira against this release
Check out the module jbpm.3 from anoncvs.forge.jboss.com:/cvsroot/jbpm using tag bpel_<version_with_underscores>
Verify that the properties jboss.home and jwsdp.home point to valid JBoss AS and JWSDP installations
If needed, override these properties in ${user.home}/jbpm/build.properties
Supported JBoss AS versions: 4.0.3.SP1, 4.0.5.GA and 4.2.0.GA
Supported JWSDP versions: 1.6 and 2.0
Run the test suite
Start the JBoss AS default configuration
In bpel/library, run the ant target test
If desired, run the target view.testresults to present the results in a browser