Version 26



    This sections handles the administration and the management of the console and is divided into 3 sections


    Identity Management

    1. Groups Management

      1. Create a new group

      2. Edit group properties

      3. Modify the information of a group

      4. (Same operations apply for nested subgroups)

      5. Add / remove users from a group

    2. Users Management

      1. Create a new user

      2. Edit the properties of a user

      3. Delete an existing user

    3. Membership Management

      1. Bind users to groups

      2. Bind users to groups and give them a role


    Processes Information

    1. Process Definitions List

    2. Process Instances List

    3. Tokens List


    Dashboard Management

    1. List all the dashboard queries

    2. Update / edit individual dashboard queries

      1. Delete dashboard queries

      2. Create new dashboard queries


    Jobs & Timers

    1. View list of active jobs categorized by:

      1. Timers

      2. Node Jobs

      3. Task Jobs

    2. View details of each selected job and perform the appropriate operations such as pausing, resuming and canceling a job


    Notification Management

    1. Manage the email server settings that are used for the notification process\

    2. Manage the email templates of the notification service.

      1. Manage the SNMP settings for SMS notifications (optional and needs further discussions)

      2. RSS Management (Manage the RSS feeds on the pages)






    'Old Information'


    The manage page has the following tabs: User management, Workflow management and System management.


    User Management

    The user management section provides the following features:

    • Users Management

      • Bulk task assignment update: In case a user goes on holiday or is unexpectedly absent.

      • Create new workflow users

      • Edit the security roles of users (allowed only by administrators)

      • Edit the email, name and other properties of users

      • Delete users


    • Groups Management


    Note that groups can be organizational units, such as a team, a business unit or a department.  In which case the group type should be something like 'hierarchical'.  But groups can also be security roles, in which case the group type should be 'security-role' or something like that. I think some group types like 'hierarchy' and 'security-role' should be known and supported directly by the application.  Note that organizations should always be able to define their own group types.  Maybe this should be stored as an enum in the db as well?  (ahum... in later versions of jbpm then:-) or maybe a small extension in the webconsole


      • Create new groups

      • Edit the groups properties (allowed only by administrators)

      • Delete groups

      • Add users to groups

      • Remove users from groups


    • Roles Management

      • Create new roles

      • Edit the roles descriptions (allowed only by administrators)

      • Delete roles

      • Assign roles to groups

      • Assign roles to users

      • Assign administrator role for users


    Workflow Management

    The workflow management section provides the following features:

    • Processes Management

      • Deploy a new process

      • Undeploy a process

      • Create a group of processes

      • Edit a group of processes

      • Delete a group of processes

      • Assign a process to a group

      • Revoke a process from a group

      • Assign / Modify properties of processes (Process description, Process Category, etc...)


    Reports Management

    • Ability to create report templates and select the viewable columns

    • Ability to generate graphs from the reports and bind a graph or a number of graphs to a report.

    • Edit the report templates

    • Modify the security settings of the report templates

    • Share report templates with other users of the systems (private / public reports)

    • Export / Import report templates to / into BIRT


    System Management

    • Logs: Browse the system logs

    • Logged in users: View the number of logged in users along with their session properties. Allow as well the option to log out a user (only by administrators)

    • System properties: View the system properties, OS properties, Application Server properties, version number, etc...

    • System management: Allow the system to be restarted or shutdown from the web interface

    • Notification Managament

      • Configuration of email server setting for notification (IMAP, POP, SMTP, hostname / port, authentication user)

      • Configuration of email templates: email templates that are used to be attached to a task for notification

      • Configuration of SMS server (SNMP settings)

      • Configuration of SMS templates