Version 3

    Rules and process repository


    This is the view i want to present to the jbpm-rules integration users:


    • rules and processes sources are managed in cvs or svn.

    • rule package info files contain references to rule sources on the file system

    • rule base info files contain references to package info files


    an ant script can create a binary (compiled) version of a rule base by pointing it to a set of

    • rule sources

    • rule package info files

    • rule base info files


    optionally that binary rule base can be deployed to the DB-rule repository with the same or a different ant task.  when a binary rule base is inserted in the rule repository, an id is assigned (the hibernate id and primary key)


    also the eclipse plugins (rules and jpdl) could provide functions similar to the ant script.


    the result is that there is a database based rule repository that is just a set of rule bases.  rule bases have a name and a version as metadata.  during runtime, rule bases are referenced

    • by name only, in which case the latest version of that named rule base is used

    • by name and version

    • by id