Version 10

    How to secure your webapp to make it use Labs SSO.


    • Copy login-redirect.jsp into your webapp folder, so when application is deployed, it's available from webapp's root. You can find this jsp in resources/auth folder of labs build download it.

    • Add regular JAAS configuration to your web.xml and define <login-config> as follows

    • Add your web-app context to configuration/resources/to-copy/server/default/conf/josso-agent-config.xml inside <partner-app> segment

                <context>/my-foo-context</context> <!-- modify this to match your webapp -->
    • Voila! Now you can use /my-foo-context/josso_login/ to. login and /my-foo-context/josso_logout/ (Don't forget the trailing "/") to sign out. First one will redirect you to common JOSSO login page and then, after successful login redirect back to you web application. If you require authentication for a resource, user will get redirected automatically to login page.


    EXAMPLE web.xml from foo-view


    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
         <display-name>Foo Web Application</display-name>
              <description>My foo servlet</description>


    This will redirect to login page for every /foo-view/auth/.ole request and require "ALLUSERS" role. This is a special role that all valid users have. The rest of the authorization should be done by Labs auth service.