Version 8

    Portlets on Labs and their preferences




    A portlet which displays pages from the freezone directory.


    • page - path to the page that is displayed by default; relative to the freezone directory.

    • title - title of the freezone window (only displayed in some regions of the project page:

    bottom 2 columns).




    A portlet which displays random jboss developers.




    Displays project information: project name, logo and description.




    Displays downloads of a project, basing on the information in project.xml.




    Displays podcasts of a project.




    Displays a specified blog.


    • feedName - id of the feed that you want to display; this is the id that you input when editing feed properties, and that is also visible in URLs when viewing this feed

    • numberOfPosts - how many headers of posts you want to display

    • summaryLength - if a summary of post content should be shown below the post headings, this should be the number of characters you'd like it to contain (200 is a sensible default). If you don't want to have a summary displayed, set it to 0

    • showDate - should the date of publishing the post be displayed below the header




    Displays a menu for a project, project pages and links.


    • showPages - should links to project sub-pages be shown in the menu

    • showAnonRepo, showCommiterRepo, showIssueTracker, showUserForum, showDevForum, showTraining, showSupport, showDocumentation, showLinks - should various links from project.xml be shown.