JNDI NamingService MBean
The NamingService MBean provides the JNDI naming service. This is a key service used pervasively by the J2EE technology components. The configurable attributes for the NamingService are as follows.
Port: The jnp protocol listening port for the NamingService. If not specified default is 1099, the same as the RMI registry default port.
RmiPort: The RMI port on which the RMI Naming implementation will be exported. If not specified the default is 0 which means use any available port.
BindAddress: The specific address the NamingService listens on. This can be used on a multi-homed host for a java.net.ServerSocket that will only accept connect requests on one of its addresses.
RmiBindAddress: The specific address the RMI server portion of the NamingService listens on. This can be used on a multi-homed host for a java.net.ServerSocket that will only accept connect requests on one of its addresses. If this is not specified and the BindAddress is, the RmiBindAddress defaults to the BindAddress value.
Backlog: The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) is set to the backlog parameter. If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused.
ClientSocketFactory: An optional custom java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory implementation class name. If not specified the default RMIClientSocketFactory is used.
ServerSocketFactory: An optional custom java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory implementation class name. If not specified the default RMIServerSocketFactory is used.
JNPServerSocketFactory: An optional custom javax.net.ServerSocketFactory implementation class name. This is the factory for the ServerSocket used to bootstrap the download of the JBossNS Naming interface. If not specified the javax.net.ServerSocketFactory.getDefault() method value is used.
InstallGlobalService (4.0.3+) : A boolean which defines whether the MainMBean's Naming server will initialized from the existing NamingContext.setLocal global value. This controls which NamingService instance will be used for in server lookups. Generally this should be false for any NamingService other than the conf/jboss-service.xml instance.
UseGlobalService (4.0.5+): A boolean which defines whether the MainMBean's Naming server will initialized from the existing NamingContext.setLocal global value. This allows one to export multiple servers via different transports and still share the same underlying naming service. This should be true if you want all NamingService instances to share JNDI bindings. Setting this to false would create isolated JNDI services.
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