Version 2

    Hi folks, this is a draft of a living document on how to get going with JBoss Nukes....


    .... and keep going, as you get into the good habit of frequently moving to newer versions of this fast-improving software.



      Hence the name of this Wiki page: InstallUninstallUpgrade




    2004-03-04 -- Important note about Nukes 1.0 Release:

    Today there is an even easier way to get started with Nukes -- just download the precompiled (& preintegrated with JBoss) distribution of Nukes 1.0 at





    BUT: bug fixes and other changes will continue to be made to the Nukes CVS, and after a few days you may find that moving to the latest and greatest will suit you better than staying with the 1.0 release. And you may want to integrate with your already-existing JBoss3.2.3 installation. Therefore, you will will want to become familiar with the process described in the remainder of this wiki page...






    2004-04-01 -- Update --  Building and Installing Nukes


    I've been sketching here an outline of the way to install Nukes for the first time (with a few hints about what you'd be wise to remove before doing  subsequent installs). This approach is the best way to do it on 20040421, and has been since early March.



    This is for people who don't want to download the binary distro with JBoss bundled (see 2004-03-04 note above); we assume you want to install Nukes into your already up & running JBoss installation. So everything below assumes that you already have JBoss installed.  For this to work, you must have version 3.2.3 (or newer) of JBoss, and you must have an environment variable named JBOSS_HOME set to point to that JBoss installation (such as to /opt/jboss or D:\srv\jboss-3.2.3\ ).  Finally, if you are on linux/nix, I recommend that you "su" to the user that JBoss executes as before beginning any of the steps, but especially the build steps... it will make your life much easier.


    These instructions are formatted for Windows paths (using D: & \ separator) because anybody smart enough to use nix knows how to convert to /  .




    • (Uninstalling prior to installing/upgrading..... This section is ONLY for those of you who have done prior Nukes installs....)

      •       Go into your JBoss installation's deploy directory... something like 


        •       cd jboss-3.2.3\server\default\deploy 


        •       and if you find nukes.ear or nukes-installer.war, remove them.

        •       cd jboss-3.2.3\server\default\nukes 


        •       and remove everything in the nukes directory (you can even remove the whole nukes dir).


      •       If you are using MySQL: if you've have a prior partial install of Nukes, or otherwise have no production data that you care about in the database called "nukes" within MySQL, it could make the install go smoother if you remove the "nukes" database.

        •      Here's a session transcript showing how to delete the "nukes" database the bruteforce way:



                  •      Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.
                  •      Any data stored in the database will be destroyed.
                  •      Do you really want to drop the 'nukes' database (y/N) y
                  •      Database "nukes" dropped
                  •      C:\mysql\bin>
            C:\mysql\bin>mysqladmin drop nukes            





       OK, here's were you get started.....


    • Important reminder for  nix folks: be sure to "su" to the proper user (whichever user JBoss runs-as), so that the resulting files will have proper ownership.




        •                     updated every night 2:00am (PDT)


    •       save to your choice of directory:

      •              D:\dev\jboss\nukes\      will be used, in this example, as the base directory.

      •              D:\dev\jboss\nukes\nukes-snapshot.tar.gz     will be the result of this step.

        •                     (yes, it's ok to overwrite any earlier snapshot download of same name)


    •      unpack snapshot:

      •              D:\dev\jboss\nukes\nukes-snapshot\nukes-snapshot\  will be the result of this step.

        •            (stripping a layer, to D:\dev\jboss\nukes\nukes-snapshot\ , is also fine.)


    •      rename outer folder to include date of snapshot (optional, but helps you keep track of versions):

      •              D:\dev\jboss\nukes\nukes-snapshot20040304\nukes-snapshot\  will be the result of this step.

        •            (stripping a layer, to D:\dev\jboss\nukes\nukes-snapshot20040304\ , is also fine.)


    •           IF you need to modify some build parameters, like choosing a different database (hsql, mysql, or postgresql), then:

      •                              cd D:\dev\jboss\nukes\nukes-snapshot20040304\nukes-snapshot\build\etc

      •                            copy to ..\, and edit that file changing variables to meet your needs

          •                             For example, to use a different database set nukes.database=(hsqldb | mysql | postgresql)





    •      open a command window, go to the build directory, and run the build script by typing these 2 lines:


      •           cd D:\dev\jboss\nukes\nukes-snapshot20040304\nukes-snapshot\build

      •           build

        •                     (On windows this will execute build.bat)

        •                     (On linux do:  sh ./

        •                     (almost everything that scrolls by will be captured in a file called build.log, in this directory)


    •      go up 1 level and down to the distrib directory, and run the build script with the installer target by typing these 2 lines:

      •           cd ..\distrib

      •           build installer

        •                     (On windows this will execute build.bat)

        •                     (On linux do:  sh ./ installer)

        •                     (almost everything that scrolls by will be captured in a file called build.log, in this directory)




    •      run the build script again, but this time with the deploy-installer target, by typing this 1 line:

      •           build deploy-installer




    •       if JBoss isn't running yet, start it as usual (typically by going to its bin directory, and typing run):

      •              cd D:\srv\jboss-3.2.3\bin

      •              run



    •      You are now ready to run the installer, which is a web application... so in your web browser, go to:




        •                     (if you are installing on a remote host, substitute its name (ie, for localhost)

        •                     Now just answer the questions, fill in the forms.

          •                         Accept the license.

          •                         Set up the data source.

          •                         Select which modules you want + whether you want to drop tables first.

            •                       (yes, you should drop tables, unless you have been using Nukes in production and have important data to keep.)

            •                       (Note: As of 20040401, you need to deselect the "Sections" module; it has bugs.)

          •                         Optional: Do Advanced setup for each module.




        • +At this point, the database is created/updated (if selected) and then the components (EARs, SARs, MBean xml) of the selected modules are deployed to the JBoss instance (nukes directory). If the core Nukes module needs to be deployed, it will be deployed last. +







    •       Now use your web browser at test these URLs:



        •             (I have seen nukes configured to use one, and then in other CVS snapshots, use the other)


        •                     (if you are installing on a remote host, substitute its name (ie, for localhost)



    •       Now, before you forget, do an important security measure:

      •             Go to your JBoss deploy directory and remove the installer.war:

        •             cd /opt/jboss/server/default/deploy

        •             rm nukes-installer.war

      •             or

        •             cd D:\srv\jboss-3.2.3\server\default\deploy

        •             del nukes-installer.war





    If you want to go a step deeper, then you'll want to check out the database setup information at NukesDBSetup




    enough for now, more soon.


    hxp (Howard Pearlmutter)






    (If you know how to edit a Wiki page, you can add questions/comments/requests below here; you can also (carefully, please) make corrections directly in the above text.)


    2004-04-21 -- Thanks!

      • Thanks to everyone who has contributed improvements to this wiki page!  The flow is getting smooth, and a number of people on the forums have said this page helped them alot.