Version 2

    1. What is the suggested way to setup and populate the HSQL database ?


    Answer: Use GUI based open source (free) SQL client like Squirel SQL.


    2- Where can I find Squirel SQL ?


    Answer: At


    3- There is many file that could be donwloaded, which one should I use ?


    Answer: If you have not figured out yet, you are probably a Windows user. (Linux users never ask such a question). So choose win9598-squirrel-sql-1.1final1-install.jar.


    4- I have downloaded win9598-squirrel-sql-1.1final1-install.jar from sourceforge, how can I run it ?


    Answer: Open a console window on your PC running Windows and type java -jar win9598-squirrel-sql-1.1final1-install.jar. That should launch the installation program.


    5- Squirel SQL client is installed. How can I start it ?


    Answer: Go to the C:\Program Files\SQuirreL SQL Client directory and double-click on squirrel-sql.bat.


    6-How can I tell Squirrel SQL client to connect with the HSQL running within the jBoss environement ?




    a) You have to install the correct driver. To do that, you go on the "Drivers" panel, single click on the HSQLDB_Server in the list and click on the + at the top.


    b)You click on "Extra Class Path" tab and make sure to add the following file, relative to your JBOSS_HOME:   " server/default/lib/hsqldb.jar".


    c)On the Class Name field you type org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver.


    d) The Name: field (at the top) should contain HSQL_DB and the Example URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1701.


    e) Once done, click OK.


    f) On the Alias panel, click the + sign. That will bring you an extra panel.


    g) On the Name field, type JBoss.


    e) On the Driver: pop-up list, choose the appropriate driver (HSQL_DB you just configured). The suggested URL should be OK (jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:1701) and the User Name is sa


    f) Once done, close the panel by clicking OK.


    g) Double-click on the JBoss alias (in the alias panel).


    h) There is no password (let the field empty).



    OK, I am connected, what's next ?




    a) Using your prefered text editor, open the setup.ddl file (don't double-click, open the text editor and from inside the text editor open the setup.dll). The setup.ddl is located in the nukes\nukes\src\resources\hsqldb directory. Copy it entire content.



    b) Back to the Squirrel SQL Client, click on the SQL tab.


    c) Uncheck the Limit Rows: checkbox.


    d) Paste the content you just copied from setup.ddl to the text field.


    e) At the top, you have few icons. The third one from left represents someone running. That will run the SQL statements you just pasted. Click on that icon.


    f) Click on the Objects tab. The second icon from left (just next the running icon) means refresh. Click on it.


    On the table directory, four (4) new tables have been added: NUKE_FILE, NUKE_GROUPS, NUKE_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP and NUKE_USERS.