Version 6

    Welcome to Polls wiki page!




    Probably you have always dreamed about collecting the information what people think about your project and things connected with it. That's what give you Polls.





    To create your new Poll all you have to write a simple XML file which describes the poll's question and possible answers. This file, named poll.xml, should be placed in your project's directory inside portal content repository. Polls will find the file created by you and parse it. Newly added polls will be shown on your project's information page. Apart from that, on main page of JBoss Labs there are always displayed random polls from all defined. So, don't be surprised to find sometimes your polls there.




    Below I present a simple example of how to write poll.xml descriptor for Polls:




                   Isn't this xml structure simple?
                   I don't know



    Obviously you can define as many polls in this XML file as you can think off.


    Any change in question or in any answer in poll definition will cause creating a completely new poll after deleting the old one. So, beware or you will lose your voting results!






    Before giving your vote on poll you have to log in. That is because on each poll you can vote only once and there is always a possibility to enter the scores page for poll and see who has voted on which answer.






    That is all information you need to begin your adventure with Polls. However, if there would be any problem or question about Polls don't hesitate to write to me.

    Ryszard Kozmik