2.4 JBoss Portal Test Plan
QA Portal test plan utilizes multiple testing methods and software. The testing methods use of software as well as matrix numbers are displayed. The test plan comprises of five main methods of testing which are described in greater detail below.
Pre-Conditions for testing:
check out JBoss App Server from head in CVS (4.0.4)
check out JBoss Portal from head in CVS (2.4)
verify that 1.5 JDK is installed on the build machine
build JBoss App Server and JBoss Portal
download the App Server with appropriate Portal files to QA Labs
start the App Server
point a web browser to the App Server's location and verify the Portal appears in the browser
click here for detailed install information
1. Performance Testing
Performance testing consists of simulating a single user performing multiple tasks on the Portal. The results should set a standard for Scalability testing as well as be compared against competitors numbers and/or industry standards.
Create and add multiple pages to the portal
Create and add sub-pages to an existing page
Create multiple portlets on each page
Create a user from the admin account
Create a grinder script which makes HTTP/HTTPS requests to the app server
Tests include:
run the grinder script with 1 user for 5 runs
The script will simulate the following tasks with both a user and admin:
log into Portal
navigate through all the listed themes
navigate to each page of the portal
navigate to sub-pages of pages
traverse through the portlets
navigate to external sites (portletswap.com)
log out of Portal
Results include:
Mean Time - avg time to recieve full response from server
Mean Time Standard Deviation - avg standard deviation time to recieve full response from server
TPS - Avg number of transactions in a second time length
Mean Response Length - Avg size of HTTP response from server (bytes)
Response Bytes per Second - Avg number of bytes per second recieved from server (measures comsumption bandwidth)
Response Errors - Number of response error codes (404, 500, etc.)
2. Scalability Testing
Scalability Testing is performance testing with a high concurrency of users hitting the server while executing a low number of runs.
Verify a grinder script from Performance test exists whose properties file can be slightly modified to allow for the appropriate number of threads(users) and runs (Grinder script is created during Performance pre-conditions)
Modify the grinder script properties file to run with 1000 threads
Tests include:
run the modified grinder script with 1000 users hitting the server simultaneously for 5 runs
Results include:
Identical type of results from Performance tests
scalability testing results should show little or no change when compared to performance testing results
3. Soak Testing
Soak testing is performance testing with a high concurrency of users over a large period of time.
Verify a grinder script from Performance test exists whose properties file can be slightly modified to allow for the appropriate number of threads(users) and runs (Grinder script is created during Performance pre-conditions)
Determine the amount of time in minutes(X) it takes to execute a complete run of 1000 users
Modify the grinder script properties file to run with 1000 threads for Z runs where Z=(60/X)24
Tests include:
run the modified grinder script with 1000 users hitting the server simultaneously for 24 hours
Results include:
Review any information pertaining to the following:
memory leaks
garbage collection issues
4. Integration Testing
Integration testing is the testing of two or more integrated components. Scenerios test the integration points of JEMS components, many of which are executed when testing the application server. An application could be written which would automate integration testing of the components.
Portal Integration testing consists of functional testing as well. Functional testing is created from a user's perspective and verifies system behavior. This will validate the integration between Portal, the app server and all other JEMS components which comprise of the Portal package. Pre-Conditions, Tests, and Results vary for each feature. Below are a few new features in Portal 2.4 which can be functionally tested.
New Features
App Server is running
login to the Portal
verify the login theme is identical to the Portal theme
App Server is running
upload a file to CMSAdmin
(1)navigate to management page in the Portal as Admin and click on the eyeball
(2)browse to the specific location of the document
(1)user should be able to view the document
(2)user should be able to download the document
App Server is running
Create a page
Edit core\src\resources\portal-core-sar\conf\data.xml by modifying the value of the property "portal.defaultObjectName" to the name of the page created
restart the Portal
default page should now be the created page
App Server is running
User is denied access to a portlet
User navigates to the page with the access denied portlet (access denied message should be displayed on the portlet)
Admin modifies the setting to "hide portlet"
User navigates to the page with the access denied portlet
Portlet should not be visible to the user
due to time constraints, currently there are no plans to perform integration testing on Portal 2.4
The following tests cases test the functionality of the admin management portlet.
Management Portlet
Positive Test:
build jboss-portal.sar and deploy to the server's deploy directory
jboss-portal.sar should contain
- portal class file
- jsp (if necessary)
- updated portal.xml
create a portal instance from management portlet
add the portlet instance to a page
portlet should now reside on the page to which it was added
Transition Portlet from 2.2 to 2.4:
perform the positive test
deploy jboss-portal.sar to the 2.4 server
Update at Runtime:
perform steps 1 and 2 from positive test while the server is running
portlet should be available to create an instance
Security Tests:
modify the security level of a portlet instance
- default view
- view only when logged in with admin
- view only when logged in with user
modify the security level of a portlet
verify portlet instance security overrides portlet security
modify the security level of a page
- default view
- view only when logged in with admin
- view only when logged in with user
modify the security level of a portal
CMS Manager Tests
Create a Folder:
verify folder can be added
Create a File:
with .html ext
with .txt ext
with .doc ext
Edit a File:
verify html and txt files can be edited
- perform the following for both html and txt files
- after selecting an html or txt file, there should be an edit icon
- select the edit icon and modify the file
- save the modified file without changing the file name
- a different version should be created
- select the modified version and verify the it contains the information added
verify doc files cannot be edited
- select a doc file
- there should not be an edit column
Upload a File:
- click on the upload icon
- select an available destination and fill in info
- verify the file was uploaded to the appropriate folder
5. Availability Testing
Availability testing is testing the system's ability to continue normal operations while failures occur during high concurrency usage. The scalability tests will be used to provide high thread volume while failure scenerios are introduced to the system. The main goal is to reduce and/or eliminate downtime by minimizing repair time.
Verify the scalability script is available to run for a specified amount of time (dependent on which test is run) to execute the error conditions
Test include:
unplugging network cable
generate exceptions
database drive fills up
clustering functionality error
Test Time Frame (Time in days)
Test Type | Define Tests | Create Tests | Run Tests | Sum Days |
Performance | 1 | 3 | .5 | 4.5 |
Scalability | N/A | N/A | .5 | .5 |
Soak | N/A | N/A | 1.5 | 1.5 |
Integration(Functional) | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Availability | 1 | .5 | 2 | 4.5 |
Total | 4 | 4.5 | 5.5 | 14 |
Test Matrix (Time in hours)
Test Type | Threads | Runs | Time |
Performance | 1 | 1 | N/A |
Scalability | 1000 | 1 | N/A |
Soak | 1000 | TBD | 24 |
Availability | 1000 | TBD | N/A |
Test Software
Performance | Grinder |
Scalability | Grinder |
Soak | Grinder |
Integration | TBD |
Availability | Grinder |