Version 3

    Resteasy MOM


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    • June 16, 2008, RESTeasy MOM 1.0 Released!




    RESTEasy MOM is a RESTful facade over JMS.  You can access it with any language, OS, or platform that has an HTTP client library and exchange HTTP messages asynchronously.  Initially it was written as a portable RESTful layer on top of vanilla JMS.  In the future it may morph to be a tighter RESTful interface to JBoss Messaging, a RESTFul personality of JBoss ESB, and anything else cool I can think of.


    Currently this project is only in incubation awaiting to see what interest it gets from the community.  It was originally written to test-drive our JAX-RS implementation.  It is also a decent example of a JAX-RS implementation.  There are only a handful of classes to look at so it may be something to check out just to learn JAX-RS.



    • RESTFul JMS

    • Receiver content-negotiation and filtering

    • Portable to any servlet container/environment that can access JMS