Version 10

    Currently the tabs for the new JBoss.ORG site are named as follows:



    This tabbed design is also used at Sourceforge together with the idea for a personalized tab called My Page. The tab acts like the home tab.



    Renaming the Contribute tab


    Looking at the site for Glassfish hosted on CollabNet shows the following tabs:



    You can see here how the tab now acts as a home page and a 'Communities' tab has been added.


    The site for Geronimo follows a similar theme but there is no projects tab as there is only the application server project.



    The Ubuntu site also has a tabbed theme but mixes the open source and commercial aspects through the use of Community, Support and Partners tabs:



    All of these competitors (in the respect of hosting sites for the development of open source software) have one thing in common which is the use of the word 'Community' on the main page as one of the tab headings.


    The current site also uses the word Community in the left-hand side navigation panel:



    Although this takes you JBoss Developer Community page that contains a list of people who mostly contribute code to the projects.


    I think this is significant as it illustrates the importance of having a community that you can become a part of. Simply stating 'Contribute' can seem like you are on your own and is not as friendly as it is also a command.

    Considering JBoss has come under some criticism in the past for its definition of community I see the new site as an opportunity to establish the role of the community and set the record straight. For this reason I propose that we rename the Contribute tab to be Community.



    Interestingly the Fedora site doesn't use tabs but instead has links:



    It too does not use the word community but uses 'Contribute to Fedora'. For this reason and for many other reasons the Ubuntu site looks more appealing and seems more approachable. For example it has a picture of human beings on the home page instead of a computer screenshot!





    Considering we want to establish the site as a place where people come to collaborate on the development of our projects we may wish to think about doing something similar. It need not be as peace and love as Ubuntu but it could help to get the message across that we are interested in real people helping to develop enterprise quality software.




    The Home tab

    I like the word Home as it has good connotations. It is also not technical which makes the site seem more approachable for new users.


    Renaming the Knowledge Base tab


    Given that the content of the Knowledge Base tab consists of documentation, webinars, podcasts, forums, wikis and downloads a more correct name for this tab would be 'Resources'. This accurately describes what the tab contains and also highlights the fact that the site can simply be used as a free resource if a user does not wish to make any contributions.


    Renaming the JBoss Projects tab


    Considering the site is called I do not see any value in qualifying the types of project hosted on it. I propose that we simply name the tab 'Projects'. This also brings the tab names in-line with the other hosting sites shown above, namely Sourceforge and Glassfish.



    I think the My.ORG tab is perfect

    As the page is a personal place maybe it should start off blank to emphasize that it is up to the individual to customize it.