This page is deprecated. Please vote for jira RFC's filled. Or create new one if you think some one is missed. We will take into consideration votes added to this page for sure. But all further voting should happens in jira only in order to review and plan them more easily.
Overview of the Features required by RichFaces' users
All the layout features marked as planned to 3.3.1 will be revised. Component which will provide page layout with split panel capabilities are under planning.
This document is created basing on the forum post about features request
Feel free to add your +1 or/and add a new item to this wiki article directly. (Do not add +5 , be correct!)
note: the version might set by RichFaces team member only according to the actual plans. Do not edit it by yourself.
New Components
Name | Votes | Version | Notes |
Support for jQuery JavaScript Library | +1 | done 3.1.2 | |
Context Menu | +8 | 3.1.3 done | |
ListShuttle | +13 | 3.1.3 done | |
Ordering List(aka selectOrderShuttle) | +3 | 3.1.3 done | |
Editable Combo box (dd box + suggestion) | +25 | 3.2.0 done | |
fileUpload with progress bar | +41 | 3.2.0 done | |
Inplace editor | +27 | 3.2.0 done | Example: or, more likely or |
Progress Bar (not only file Upload) | +7 | 3.2.0 done | |
Sortable Header | +43 | 3.2.0 done | Component that adds sortable to the rich:dataTable |
xHTML Editor | +33 | 3.3.0 done | rich editor with text formating features |
Color Chooser | +5 | done 3.3.1 | |
Layout components | +41 | planned to 3.3.1 |
including split pane Don't know if it is the same: The possibility to slidly change the size of different page areas per drag & drop. See for an example. |
Confirmation Dialog | +26 | ||
treeTable | +26 | ||
Client-side Validation Components | +25 | Components that can do validation for required fields, datatype checks, etc. | |
dockPanel | +23 | with collapsible panel on it. Similar to portal dash Board. | |
Breadcrumbs | +22 | ||
Editable graphics, specially charts (bar charts, pie charts, Gantt?...) | +13 | ||
Time Picker | +10 | | |
Range Selector (Date for example) | +9 | ||
Table Selection | +9 | extended Table now provides built-in selection support | Parent component to any dataTable which allows to use selection. Must provide three modes of selection (none\single\multi). Must be a possibility to know the last selected row (focused). Simple realization: two hidden input fields and jQuery lib to select rows and update input fields. |
Interactive Charts, SVG? | +6 | ||
Captcha | +6 | ||
GWT-Voices equivalent?? | +4 | ||
Editable list | +4 | Example(Woodstock): | |
Export-to-PDF | +5 | This feature should allow any screen and/or table to be exported to PDF. This can be done using iText libraries. | |
Schedule Component | +4 | A component similar to Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar | |
Combo/Suggestion as selects | +5 | | |
In place ImageEdit | +3 | This control should allow creation and editing including cropping and resizing of images while browsing. It should be a bit like the Inplace Editor - - but for images. | |
Resizable Text Box | +3 | ||
modal panel light version | +2 | ||
Dual input number slider | +2 | single slider for min and max vaues | |
PanelGrid | +2 | | |
Field Set | +2 | ||
Complete Page Layout | +2 | planned to 3.3.1 | This component should allow the user to specify a layout for the entire web-page and then place other components on this. E.g. |
Drag-and-drop file upload | +2 | This component should allow file upload using a simple drag and drop. The uploaded file (or files) should be available using an arraylist of UploadedFile kind of objects | |
Tristate Checkbox | +2 | A tristate checkbox, in order to be able to set the value of a checkbox to null. This is vital for filtering functionality. | |
Carousel | +1 | ||
Appearance component | +1 | | |
Vertical Sliding Menu | +1 | This feature should display vertical sliding menu. Ex. | |
Scrolling News Box | +1 | This feature should display news items in a scrolling manner. Ex. | |
Flash video player | +2 | The component should play audio and video files, primarily flv. An example of such player can be found here. | |
Horizontal and vertical dynamic splitter | +1 | The component dynamically resizes view areas/panes in response to user's actions. | |
Masked Edit | +2 | | |
Styled messages | +1 | The existing rich:message and rich:messages should be moved to a4j:message and a4j:messages, respectively, since they provide no rich look & feel. Then, a rich:messages component should be added that has a look & feel that fits the skin (perhaps with a leading image). | |
Time zone selector | +1 | A visual component to select a time zone from a map. Presumably would tie into Google Maps or equivalent service. See concept here: |
Improvements for Components and Framework in General
Name | Votes | Version | Notes | |
calendar. show, select time, not only date | +11 | 3.1.3 done | ||
calendar. select year by drop down box and/or manual input | +9 | 3.2.0 | ||
dataTable dynamic columns | +12 | 3.2.0 done | ||
dataTable Filtering | +25 | 3.2.0 done | ||
suggestionBox. enables to select a suggested object instead of a suggested String. | +10 | 3.2.0 done | See for ajax solution | |
Component contribution, CDK Doc | +29 | done 3.3.0 | ||
Performance | +36 | |||
Keyboard navigation (mouseless) | +23 | |||
Advanced tutorials | +18 | |||
Use of Ext js, maybe some components? | +11 | | ||
Dev Documentation | +9 | |||
+8 | ||||
Enter key support on forms | +8 | |||
Predefined effects for existing components | +6 | |||
calendar. show, select seconds (and another formats additions)! | +6 | |||
Portal Support | +5 | Now, the separated project. See | ||
Clickable error messages | +4 | | ||
more possibilities for js interaction, maybe give more flexibility to <a4j:jsScript..> | +4 | |||
Debugging facility | +3 | |||
Asymmetric Shuttle List | +3 | Columns in the two lists do not have to be the same | ||
New skins | +3 | partially done: darkX glassX laguna | Please post examples of amazing skins here! [ |] |
Add like features (ghosting, cursor position/style) to DnD | +3 | |||
More powerfull and easy to use skinability | +2 | | ||
Trinidad skinning | +2 | |||
Page Scope Support | +2 | Not clear, what it is | ||
Stable Safari Support | +1 | |||
Clickable columns for orderingList | +1 | |||
Support for groups in pickList | +1 | |||
ListShuttle with model | +1 | It would be nice if the components data are managed in a model, so that writing converters for complex items is not necessery. | ||
keepAlive | +1 | keepAlive is a terrible name for a component that stores a value in the UI component tree. For one, it is the name of an HTTP header, so it is misleading. Consider renaming to a4j:propogate and deprecate the existing name. | ||
rich:gmap components to make it easier to add markers and information windows without having to write JavaScript | +1 | See GMaps4JSF. | ||
real ajax push like icefaces | +1 | See ICEfaces. | ||
InplaceSelect should support selectItemGroup elements | +1 | | ||
Accessibility | +1 | At least a documentation indicating :
Better would be to make all classic components accessible (such as rich:dataTable and rich:column). Microsoft Web Forms shows some work on accessibility for .Net components (see and Also some older documentation from .Net : YUI has accessibility consideration : Icefaces also began some modest work on it : |
New Features for existing Components
HOWTO: How to show a row of a dataTable on a modal panel (+12) (DONE 3.3.0 demosite, 3.2.2 FAQ)
HOWTO: How to highlight rows in a dataTable when the mouse is over (+10) (DONE 3.0.0 demosite and added to FAQ in 3.2.0)
HOWTO: How to select one row of a dataTable by clicking on it, even if clicked in an inputText of this row. (+8) (DONE in FAQ in 3.20)
Possibly similar to Trinidad's rowSelection attribute (single, multiple, none) to render a radio button or check box
better renderkits/skins that support customizable corners on components like panels, tabs etc.
(CSS3 will have the ability to define border-images for divs but until then, RichFaces needs to produce a markup that allows richer skinning. Currently, a tab is rendered as a single div)
make SubTables collapsible (+4)
Create onRowRightClick event that would be triggered when the user right clicks a row (ex: show a context menu when user right clicks a row) (+4) (DONE 3.3.0)
Add rowStyle and rowStyleClass attributes to allow a row's style to be determined using an EL expression, similar to Tomahawk's t:dataTable. (+1)
Further Localisation support - for example the "today" string in the bottom of the calendar (+6) (DONE 3.2.2)
Option to turn off display of week number (+4) (DONE 3.2.0)
The next(> / >>) and previous(< / <<) controls in the header should have a fix position so that clicking
through years / months is easier. (Rejected. Could be implemented with size options)
Currently the controls are changing their position depending on how big the month name is, so u have to
refocus every time with mouse (+5)
To make organizer component as separate component with own look'n'feel (+1)
Possibility to specify minimum and maximum range of selected dates (+1) (Could be done using dataModel client side handlers)
Addition of "for" attribute to display messages only owned by the given component, to get the ability of using rich:messages more than once in same view on different places(+1)
Suggestion Box
provides JS API to make suggestion calls from event handlers(+2) (DONE 3.2.2)
add autopositioning feature(+1)
Able to set headers so that you can have titles on each columns(+2)
Switching by JavaScript API call(+9)
Different positions ex vertical tabs, several lines (+7)
scrolling tabs if there is no enough place for them (+7) proto
Customizable tab buttons(+2) (Not clear,which customization. how about just CSS?)
Switching by javascript API call(+3)
HowTo Tutorial. (+4) (DONE 3.2.2 at demo.)
Copy mode (+1)
multiple or just single selection for copy and remove (+1)
RichFaces tree
Scrollable Data Table
SubTable - E.g. A scrollable data table that displays all countries and for every country their main cities
Allow the content to be collapsed; only showing the header with a marker. Perhapsed a collapsed and collapsable attributes both defaulting to false. This would be awesome for creating master/detail pages! (+3)
In the moment comboBox only shows entries which startsWith my input. Would be nice to define if it should use startsWith or indexOf. (+1)