What is new in RichFaces 3.1.0
1. Ajax4jsf and Rich Faces are merged. Code base grouped into 3 jars: richfaces-api, richfaces-impl and richfaces-ui
2. The filter configuration becomes more flexible. It is possible to configure different filters for a different set of pages of the same application. In RichFaces 3.1.0 it’s not necessary to select between two different filters for the whole application. The possible types are: NONE, NEKO, TIDY. TIDY filter corrects the output html code. NEKO corresponds to the former "Fast Filter". NONE – no any correction, it is a responsibility to have it corrected.
3. The URI for a4j: and rich: namespaces are changed to "http://richfaces.org/a4j" and "http://richfaces.org/rich". The previous URIs are also available for a backward compatibility.
4. The following components (tags) are added:
5. Important Bugs fixed:
RF-5 - The content of the rich components is not rendered if particular components are direct children
RF-7 - SuggestionBox not working in IE
RF-8 - Suggestion Box doesn't align correctly in IE
RF-14 - iteration components show wrong data if they are pointed with ReRender
RF-24 - NPE comes from Drag/Drop Support classes if a component is added, then removed from a UIComponent children collection
RF-37 - dataTable is re-rendered incorrectly when the records are deleted
RF-38 - a4j:include does not work as expected inside tabPanel
RF-52 - modalPanel: ModalPanel via https. annoying warning appears
RF-72 - h:commandLink does not work in rich:dataTable
RF-111 - tree: Exception when user clicks a4:commandLink on the same page outside the Tree
RF-154 - Suggestion does not appear for the second time
RF-212 - rich:suggestionbox doesn't work inside rich:simpleTogglePanel
RF-233 - Suggestion Box : can't invoke suggestion in Opera
RF-243 - Action Listener isn't invoked by DEFAULT on the menuItem
Feature requests:
RF-4 - Add expression or the current row index of rich:dataTable
RF-10 - Allow ajaxSingle for suggestionBox to make it possible to use other fields values in the suggestion action
RF-11 - SuggestionBox: assign default values for width and height
RF-15 - Add support for facets in rich:datascroller
RF-32 - Add DnD parameters to dragIndicator
RF-81 - suggestion box. Enable onsubmit to make it possible to discard an Ajax request
RF-84 - Create RichFaces resources descriptors
RF-87 - Tree - make selection submit on mouse up
RF-102 - Tree - Need ability to disable a node selection
RF-120 - datatablescroller: add align attribute
RF-220 - tree: icon, leaf facets
6. Numerous other bug fixes and improvements tasks (Full list in the distribution archive)