What is new in 3.1.1
Current Bug fixes
RF-258 Tab Panel prevents immediate actions calling
RF-403 Tab panel should not apply a few tabs with the same names
RF-535 Problem with cellspacing and cellpadding when border-collapse: collapse
RF-765 AJAX Tree attributes
RF-873 Incorrect calculation of a scrollable area height under Internet Explorer 6.0
RF-881 rich:tree - showConnectingLines problem in Firefox
RF-890 Tooltip makes white shadows in IE
RF-894 PanelMenu: chevron icons are inconsistent with the spec
RF-895 inputNumberSlider and IE: Lose value by using back buttons
RF-896 Input Style doesn't work in the calendar component
RF-900 Panel menu doesn't submit a form if an action is not specified
RF-901 Panel Menu Item : reRender doesn't work
RF-903 PanelMenu: partial missing background in opera
RF-905 Suggestion Box: font's lowered on hover
RF-910 Tooltip javascript error
RF-913 weekDayLabels does not work
RF-931 Calendar: js error ajax-scrolling inside ajaxRendered="true" a4j:outputPanel
RF-934 Calendar: converter is not working
RF-938 scrollableDataTable - jumping on initialization
RF-945 calendar. Selection isn't applied with a4j:support inside the calendar
RF-949 can't use parameters, using a menu server mode
RF-956 Messages produce unnecessary html when no messages exist.
RF-957 Scrollable Data Table - throw exception if column width is not in px
RF-963 "oncomplete" function doesn't work in IE
RF-965 Calendar doesn't work in an Ajax mode.
RF-966 ajaxSingle doesn't work on the calendar component
RF-967 PanelMenuItem: Ajax attributes is missed.
RF-972 error when using rich:calendar with datePattern
RF-973 Sorting doesn't work after rerender ScrollableDataTable using Ajax.
RF-975 Modal Panel - showWhenRendered EL binding provides errors
RF-976 rich:column width property throws pointless exceptions
RF-978 add ondateselected event to Calendar to add possibility to send requests with a4j:support after the value is setted.
RF-979 add "rich-calendar-popup" class for an outer popup div in the Calendar.
RF-981 Menu Components do not support non-latin character
RF-984 Calendar exception
RF-985 Test application. Data filter slider is not rendered
RF-986 DataTable's BGcolor can't be changed
RF-988 Add verticalOffset and horizontalOffset attributes to the calendar
RF-991 dragIndicator.xcss linked to twice, with different URLs
RF-992 calendar: the typo in style attribute
RF-992 drag-n-drop on the tree: Problem with Netscape 7.1
RF-1016 ToggleControlRenderer doDecode does not consider action/actionListener attributes
RF-1019 ui/create.bat does not contain the good CDK reference
RF-1020 Images for a tree lines are not loaded after application is restarted.
RF-1022 suggestionBox closes unexpectedly in IE if the page vertical scroller is not at 0 position
RF-1028 Calendar performs unnecessary submit
RF-1055 Scrollable Data Table - missing resource exception
RF-1056 exception on access to generated resources in Jboss Seam
RF-1061 blank page is displayed after a network error in an AJAX request
RF-1064 ResourceLifecycle fails to restore UIViewRoot. JUnit tests affected only.
RF-955 Allow calendar to be used fully in a client mode.
RF-964 resource aliases for Scriptaculous
RF-1039 onClick attribute for toolbargroup
The issue higlighted with bold font - are resolved, but are not closed by QA Team