What is New in 3.1.3
Current Bug fixes
RF-910 Tooltip javascript error
RF-953 dataGrid: When dataGrid is passed an empty collection, it throws an extra, unbalanced closing row
RF-980 TreeModel - exception when deleting node
RF-997 Calendar - incorrect use of converters
RF-1101 Tooltip disablement switching broken
RF-1113 Disabling input number slider. Handler jumps to zero position
RF-1120 calendar with simpleTogglePanel
RF-1130 Calendar: NPE on non-visual children
RF-1131 Tree: invalid last node icons
RF-1134 <rich:treeNodesAdapter> produces error message
RF-1140 TabPane shows a fixed space if no child components are specified.
RF-1141 rich:messages doesn't show messages with seam and redirect
RF-1145 DataScroller. Parameters(both a4j and f) always null.
RF-1150 rich spacer: the wrong class name is used in template
RF-1152 Cannot select options in select element on modalPanel
RF-1154 PDF selection for Drop Down Menu in demo does not work
RF-1158 IllegalArgumentException on page with tabPanel
RF-1160 oncontextmenu treeNode attribute won't work
RF-1236 Datatable border of empty cells is not rendered
RF-1239 org.richfaces.component.state.TreeState cannot be de-serialized
RF-1242 Tree: The 'treeNodesAdaptor' component will not properly render when a Set is passed as the 'nodes' parameter.
RF-1244 dataScroller: pageIndexVar doesn't work
RF-1256 TabPanel: a4j:support on specific events throws JS errors
RF-1263 rich:dataTable emits "rows=" attribute to rendered HTML - breaks table.rows{FOOTNOTE DEF } DOM access via JavaScript
RF-1265 Effect: JS error when "for" contains semicolon
RF-1274 rich:dataGrid renders malformed XML
RF-1275 Horizontal scroller appears after opening modalPanel
RF-1278 header facet provides <td> html elements instead of <th> if using columngroup
RF-1279 Panel Menu: iconClasses isn't encoded
RF-1281 PanelMenu: null encoded in style Classes
RF-1288 PanelMenu: selected class applied is wrong
RF-1307 PanelMenu: null encoded in Style
RF-1310 toolTip panelBarItem problem
RF-1311 PanelMenuGroup: ids encodes wrong
RF-1312 Modal Panel: can't set autosized attribute from the xhtml page.
RF-1319 a4j:loadStyle/Script rendered attribute doesn't work
RF-1320 a4j:commandLink loose styleClass attribute
RF-1324 Toolbar: invalid separators
RF-1327 3.1.3-SNAPSHOT: <rich:message> produces annoying error messages in JBoss console
RF-1330 Security: event handlers could be invoked for inappropriate drag/accepted types
RF-1331 DnD: events of drag/drop support are delivered on APPLY_REQEST_VALUES phase
RF-1336 PanelMenu: extra parameters in style
RF-1345 SimpleTogglePanel: marker is left-positioned
RF-1352 rich:messages facet warnMarker
RF-1353 rich:dataTable style attribute is ignored
RF-1354 org.richfaces.model.selection.SelectionRange is not serializable
RF-1355 Incorrect behaviour of a4j:htmlCommandLink
RF-1359 Resource xxxSeparatorImage not loaded during initialization
RF-1363 suggestion box onselect is not calling method
RF-1362 style typo in rich table
RF-1364 Tree: wrapper <div> has wrong attributes.
RF-1371 ScrollableDataTable + a4j:support onrowclick: NOT every row can call handler if it was clicked!
RF-1373 UIDataAdaptor doesn't reset local model on new value set
RF-1375 rich:messages is broken when FacesMessages is used from an action that returns an outcome
RF-1376 rich:tabpanel has default width that cannot be overwriten with css file
RF-1379 orderingList Incorrectly reRender
RF-1380 orderingList: Error Rendering View[/OrderingList/OrderingList.xhtml|/OrderingList/OrderingList.xhtml] java.io.NotSerializableException: dataScroller.Data
RF-1381 orderingList adds unnecessary "Header"
RF-1382 orderingList couses XML parsing error in FireFox.
RF-1387 orderingList: different caption alignment in FireFox and in IE
RF-1388 orderingList: Different buttons view in IE and in FF
RF-1389 orderingList: horizontal and vertical scrollers should not appear unless the listWidth and height attributes are not specified.
RF-1395 OrderingList: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
RF-1401 orderingList: bad buttons image
RF-1402 orderingList: plain skin
RF-1409 OrderingList: Attribute onclick is invalid for tag orderingList according to TLD
RF-1411 OrderingList. No ability to choose item in SelectOneMenu
RF-1412 OrderingList. Attributes fastOrderControlsVisible and orderControlsVisible work incorrectly
RF-1413 Paint2D: duplicated attribute
RF-1423 componentControl does not work with modalPanel
RF-1424 PanelMenuItem <tr> element encodes id twice
RF-1425 orderingList: wry header view
RF-1426 orderingList: Ordering Buttons are always disabled in IE
RF-1427 orderingList: row text is selected in case if SHIFT or CTRL button is used for selection
RF-1428 Ordering List. Buttons change their labels to default when becomes inactive
RF-1429 orderingList: Ordering Buttons are disabled in case of clicking using CTRL keyboard key
RF-1430 orderingList: Ordering Buttons are disabled in case of clicking using CTRL keyboard key
RF-1432 contextMenu: attribute "disableDefaultMenu" does not work
RF-1437 OrderengList: last column overlays vertical scrolling bar
RF-1439 Ordering List. Elements out of the borders
RF-1444 orderingList: incorrect headers and rows positioning
RF-1445 orderingList: wrong unpleasant and different view of selected elements
RF-1446 orderingList: CTRL+click causes JavaScript error and cause no functional action in case if there are no selected elements
RF-1449 orderingList: selection
RF-1450 calendar: readonly attribute has illegal value
RF-1459 TabPanel: valueChangeListener not found
RF-1463 orderingList: autoscrolled in FF on load
RF-1464 listShuttle: incorrect size in IE7
RF-1467 orderingList: ordering buttons should be disabled on CLRL+A
RF-1468 orderingList: different default width in IE and FF
RF-1470 listShuttle: Vertical scrolling is drawn in other place
RF-1472 orderingList: activity bar is getting broken in case of empty column in IE
RF-1474 XSD validation of RF faces-config.xml fails with error: "Value '1.1' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[1.2|1.2]'. It must be a value from the enumeraton."
RF-1482 componentControl: <h:commandButton onclick = " return false; "...> does not show modalPanel
RF-1491 listShuttle: immediate submit followed by ajax submit causes an exception
RF-1492 ListShuttle: highlight of table
RF-1493 OrderingList: highlight of table
RF-1494 componentControl: doCollapse, doExpand does not work in Calendar
RF-1500 contextMenu: request fired after every time menu is called
RF-1505 listShuttle: layout for empty list is not displayed
RF-1506 Toggle panel can't be closed/opened
RF-1509 listShuttle: too wide source list in IE
RF-1510 listShuttle: impossible to select a row after rerender
RF-1513 org.ajax4jsf.RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX init parameter ignored
RF-1514 orderingList: component changes a list items size on mouse action
RF-1515 OrderingList: visual glitches
RF-1516 listShuttle: markup broken
RF-1520 listShuttle: headers and columns layout shortcomings
RF-1528 listShuttle: incorrect header design after a row has been copied into an empty list
RF-1530 SimpleTogglePanel JS error
RF-1546 listShuttle: incorrect buttons disablement in case if switchByClick is true
RF-1551 Incorrectly reRender a calendar
RF-1553 columnGroup: breakBefore attribute causes an exception
RF-1556 listShuttle: tabbing causes inner scroll
RF-1563 Ordering List and Rich Effect on the same page. JS Error. Effect doesn't works.
RF-1566 context menu: invalid positioning in IE on richfaces-demo
RF-1571 open button is not working in simpleTogglePanel with switchType="client"
RF-1572 Calendar under FF. Failed create time editing element.
RF-1573 Calendar: Can't open calendar after reRendering
RF-1577 listShuttle: add onitemsmove and onitemsmoved events handlers to listShuttle
RF-1579 ListShuttle: headers for lists are generated even if not defined.
RF-1580 ListShuttle: Can't apply changes to model using form submit.
RF-1582 Calendar: weird behavior
RF-1583 List shuttle: JUnit tests with validation fail.
RF-1588 contextMenu: if on MenuItem it is not put submitMode that transfer of parametres it is ignored on doDecode
RF-1589 Context Menu component JS API
RF-1590 Context menu. Wrong look and feel
RF-1591 Ordering list has a wrong size by default
RF-1595 modalpanel: delete or hide attributes
RF-1600 Calendar. In some skins highlighting of keys has the same color as keys
RF-1611 listShuttle: design fails in header under JSF 1.1
RF-1620 componentControl: does not transmit parametres in condextMenu
RF-1621 Calendar: when in "mouthLabelShort" transmit "++" there is JS error
RF-1192 Calendar: time fields addition
RF-933 Calendar: using java.util.Calendar
RF-962 simpleTogglePanel: make it is possible to put the open/close marker to the right
RF-974 Calendar : Implement custom markups support and revise the markup generation code.
RF-1059 Improve rich:message to show only a certain category of messages
RF-1124 Allow configurable delay before tooltips disappear
RF-1157 Togglepanel. Add rich-toggle-panel class to wrapper div.
RF-1261 jQuery: support for JS objects scope
RF-1264 virtualEarth: add version attribute
RF-1290 Add disablement possibility to the whole dropDownMenu component.
RF-1318 Tree: rename "cildren" class to children
RF-1335 Rename modalPanel JS var: modalPanel -> component
RF-1399 update JS libs: Prototype 1.6.0, script.aculo.us 1.8.0
RF-1405 ContextMenu: disable default menu
RF-1475 listShuttle: separate selection collections
RF-1477 listShuttle: switch by click
RF-1512 User defined scripts and styles from "loadScript" and "loadStyle" components must be loaded after default component resources.
RF-1517 orderingList & listShuttle: default dimensions
RF-1539 listShuttle: buttons behavior on hover
RF-1543 listShuttle: incorrect buttons disablement in case if switchByClick is false
RF-1558 OL & LS: implement keyboard nav.
Portlet Support and other Framework Fixes
RF-529 portlet-extension does not work on BEA WLP 10 / Websphere Portal 5.1. - javax.faces.FacesException: AJAX call to portlet without namespace
RF-572 ClassCastException when trying to access a JSF Portlet using RichFaces
RF-851 "<%%%>" string value processed wrong with Tidy Filter
RF-1271 javax.servlet.ServletException: Prefix for attributes in portlet session scope are not found when runnning portajAjaxSample on https
RF-1513 org.ajax4jsf.RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX init parameter ignored
RF-1564 Remove request parameters values from debug log.
RF-1568 Insert scripts and styles for a components as a one aggregate library, instead of s small separated one for a each component.
RF-1569 Load script and styles from <a4j:loadScript > and <a4j:loadStyle > components after default framework libraries.
New components
Ordering List
RF-1183 Ordering list specification is created.
RF-1185 Ordering list design is created.
RF-1186 Server Side code
RF-1187 Ordering list markup implementation & client-side code
RF-1188 Ordering list JUnit tests development
RF-1189 Ordering list Skinning
RF-1190 Ordering list Testing
RF-1191 Ordering list Richfaces-demo sample
RF-1358 Move ordering list to 3.1.x UI
RF-1560 Dev Sample
List Shuttle
Context Menu
RF-1286 Create extended vision for Context Menu component
RF-1297 Context Menu: Specification docs
RF-1299 Context Menu: Specification docs
RF-1300 Context Menu: Server-side code development
RF-1301 Context Menu: Markup implementation & client-side code
RF-1302 Context Menu: JUnit tests development
RF-1303 Context Menu: Skinning
RF-1304 Context Menu: Testing
RF-1305 Context Menu: Dev sample
RF-1496 Context Menu: Demosite sample
Component Control
New components in the guide
Improvements in description of the components
RF-657 Components description is reviewed (descriptions for dataList, dataOrderedList, dataDefinitionList, subTable, poll, push, etc. were rewritten)
Improvements in chapters and sections
New document "FAQ"
RF-1368 FAQ is made as a separate doc
Other improvements
RF-1196 Calendar time fields added
RF-1086 Calendar info update (information about "ondataselect" and "ondataselected" attributes is added)
RF-974 Calendar: Custom markups support are implemented and markup generation code is revised (described in the guide)
RF-1333 New dropDownMenu attribute, styleclass and facet are added
RF-1447 JavaScript API of components is added
The issues highlighted with bold font are resolved, but are not closed by QA Team