RichFaces. What is new in 3.2.0SR1
This SR1 release contains most important fixes for the issues filled by the community after GA. Here is the list:
RF-2918 binding does not work for all components in JSP
RF-2952 scrollerListener doesn't get fired
RF-2953 ScrollableTable. Can't use horizontal scroll after initial rendering.
RF-2960 a4j:push and Facelets - eventProducer method won't get called
RF-2962 Wrong parameters decoding in internationalized apps
RF-2966 ComboBox, in-place input, select & special chars
RF-2967 ComboBox, in-place input, select & concurrent environment
RF-2981 InlineSelect component : 'fieldValue' shouldbe passed to the components converter when initialized from component.getAttributes().get("value")
RF-2986 CDK: incorrect config file generation
RF-3058 InPlace Input & ComboBox: load errors on special chars
RF-3059 InPlace Select: unescaped text
Improvements in description of the components and features
Components and features of 3.2.0 release
RF-1207 rich:fileUpload
RF-1216 rich:comboBox
RF-2174 rich:pickList
RF-1690 rich:progressBar
RF-1226 rich:inplaceInput, rich:inplaceSelect
RF-1740 sorting and filtering features
New attributes description
RF-3040 calendar: new event attributes "oncurrentdateselected", "oncurrentdateselect" were added
RF-2994 new "process" attribute for control components was added
Other improvements
RF-2979 classes names for rich:panelMenuGroup were rewritten
RF-2880 unnecessary attributes in Tables of attributes were hidden