Version 31

    RichFaces 3.2.2. Released September 9, 2008


    The sections  corresponds to the sections used in the poll . The resources will be distributed according to the result of the poll. I.e. 75% is fall of the section 3.


    section 1 (New components)

    • rich:hotKey This component attached to any JSF component or the whole page allows to define a hot key that triggers some activity.

    • rich:ajaxValidator a4j:support like component which enables validation according to some event on parent component. Also registers model-based Hibernate Validators on parent component.


    • ruch:beanValidator It could be used to register model-based constraints defined Hibernate validators for the component.


    • ruch:graphValidator The component register model-based Hibernate Validators for some subtree. it also could be used in order to fire the whole bean validation including fields which are not used on the page.


    • rich:extendedDataTable The component is contributed to Rich Faces from the community. It extends rich:dataTable with additional features - manageable selection of rows, columns reordering, grouping by columns and etc..



    section 2 (Enhancements, Simlifications )


    • state manager. Similar to the State feature of Flex, it allows to have and quickly navigate between the different page states.




    • Using Flash Module inside rich:fileInput. This is an enhancement over the already existing component. The flash module (not GUI part) will be automatically detected and used if available and enabled. The module allows some additional features, such as multi-files chooser, having info about uploading file before uploading, pause of resuming uploading. It is similar what allows.


    section 3 (Code Stability)


    section 4 (Look-n-Feel)


    • working with feedback on Plug-n-Skin feature - 2 new skins created as samples of plug'n'skin feature


    • Skinning support in Portal Environment fixed




    New guides

    • RF-3692 CDK Developer Guide is created


    New components in dev guide


    New feature in dev guide


    Improvements in description of the components in dev guide

    • RF-4233 fileUpload: new JavaScript API methods submitForm () and beforeSubmit() were added

    • RF-3678 findComponent function description is added

    • RF-3891 tree: structural model API for Drag-and-Drop was  implemented

    • RF-4080 fileUpload for MyFaces framework configuration was added

    • RF-3820 fileUpload: file entry is accessible from all custom events

    • RF-3890 fileUpload: flash module description was added

    • RF-4152 Separate resource prefixes for session-aware & not resources (org.ajax4jsf.SESSION_RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX, org.ajax4jsf.GLOBAL_RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX) were added

    • RF-3701 keepAlive description: info about 'ajaxOnly' attribute was added

    • RF-3594 "process" attribute description fixed

    • RF-2134 information about RichFaces ViewHandler, renderers, and org.ajax4jsf.RESOURCE_URI_PREFIX was added

    • RF-4068 .rich-sort-icon class for sorting feature was added

    • RF-3561 .rich-filter-input class was added

    • RF-4036 calendar: "todayControlMode" attribute description

    • RF-3882 calendar: "currentDate" attribute description

    • RF-3753 calendar: "enableManualInput" attribute description

    • RF-3590 calendar: "defaultTime", "resetTimeOnDateSelect" attributes description

    • RF-3553 datascroller: Phase Listener description

    • RF-3271 toolBarGroup: missing sections were added

    • RF-3208 contextMenu: "attached", "attachedTo" attributes description

    • RF-3857 calendar inside <rich:modalPanel>correct appearance

    • RF-3100 componentControl was rewritten

    • RF-4216 keepAlive description is improved

    • RF-4215 binding type for <rich:tree> listeners was updated

    • RF-4109 push: "timeout" attribute description

    • RF-4102 columns usage restriction

    • RF-3125 inplaceSelect: "styleClass", "viewHoverClass", "controlPressClass", and "controlHoverClass" attributes were added

    • RF-3972 Missing description of some RichFaces components in TLDs was added

    • RF-4300 Drag-and-Drop description was updated


    Improvements in chapters and sections in dev guide

    • RF-3700 Possibility to bind current page number with <rich:datascroller> with the help of "page" attribute is described

    • RF-4202 Context parameters handling was added to RichFaces 3.1.x State Manager implementation

    • RF-2408 JSF standard components skinning was added

    • RF-3575 Standard components skinning: disabled styles were added

    • RF-3990 Client-side script for extended skinning support description

    • RF-3892 State manager API was added

    • RF-4306 Session Expired handling support in JSF 1.2 was added


    Improvements in FAQ guide

    • RF-4234 'How to add cookie in an AJAX Respond?' was added to FAQ


    Guides build improvements

    • RF-4065 docs nightly builds were annotated with "nightly" banner

    • RF-3189 styles were fixed