RichFaces 3.3.0.GA - January, 2009
The sections corresponds to the sections used in the poll The resources will be distributed according to the result of the poll. I.e. 75% is fall of the section 3.
section 1 (New Components)
rich:editor - WYSIWYG editor that allows to input the formatted text. Tiny_mce ( widget is used for component creation. SeamText is supported out of the box. Overview
The <rich:editor> is documented in "RichFaces Developer Guide".
a4j:queue. Global/default queues mechanisms is implemented. Separate component for queues definition is created. Overview
Read more about <a4j:queue> in "RichFaces Developer Guide": "<a4j:queue>" - describes the component usage details , and "Queue Principles" covers general aspects of the queue.
More details about new components and features can be found in "RichFaces 3.3.0 Release: New Components and Features Overview".
section 2 (Enhancements, Simplifications)
- ExtendedDataTable component was reviewed and improved according to the community feedback (was introduced in 3.2.2 in "preview" state).
- Menu Components are improved according to the requests from community. Menu Items now could be used as standalone components. E.g. direct children for the toolbar. (
- Data Table improvement - onRowContextMenu event is introduced according to numerous community requests.
- Framework Queue implementation was fully reviewed and improved additionally to a4j:queue component implementation.
section 3 (Code Stability)
bug fixing
keeping unit test coverage on a high level.
auto tests (Server and Client). Selenium Test Suite. See description at:
control of common quality metrics (PMD/Checkstyle). See description at:
section 4 (Look-n-Feel)
- Standard elements skinning feature additional configuration is provided . Also Chrome support is reviewed and improved.
New components in dev guide
RF-5042 New component: (x)HTML editor
RF-4664 The <a4j:queue> component
RF-5361 Queue (as a framework element) principles
New features in dev guide
- RF-5287 inputNumberSlider component two new features description. The feature are - slider orientation can be changed to vertical and arrow controls for more precise selection are added.
Improvements in description of the components in dev guide
- RF-4442 File Upload: incorrect component documentation: Table 6.210. JavaScript API - fixed
- RF-4205 Diagnostic message is described
- RF-4511 Information on minWidth/minHeight usage in JS options is added
- RF-3699 Info about UITree#getRowData() is added
- RF-4512 Info about data pagination in scrollableDataTable is added
- RF-4216 Description of AjaxKeepAlive tag usage on a page is added. Section "Create the component dynamically using Java" was removed
- RF-4215 Classnames for all commonTreeListeners entities are changed from "javax.faces.component.UIComponent" to corresponding "org.richfaces.[listener_name]"
- RF-3136 Additional info about ajaxKeys is added
- RF-5174 Note is added telling that rich:modalPanel should have its own form inside and be placed outside any external ones
- RF-5097 fileUpload component description is updated
- RF-5191 SuggestionBox frequency default value is changed to 400ms
RF-5282 Description of the attributes showDetail and showSummary for the rich:message is corrected
RF-1138 Tree component built-in drag'n'drop has been described
RF-5075 Calendar ondateselected attribute description is updated
RF-5467 Code sample in rich:toolTip chapter is corrected. Its description is updated
RF-5219 dropSupport: typeMapping attribute description and related paragraph in "Details of Usage" were updated. Paragraph describing "acceptedTypes" attribute was updated with image and code snippet.
RF-5428 The "switchType" attribute descriptions has been corrected for the following components: simpleTogglePanel, tabPanel, tab, togglePanel, tree.
RF-3903 Describtion of attributes for <rich:graphValidator> and images of the corresponding section are updated
RF-2220 Default values are corrected, new are added.
Improvements in chapters and sections in dev guide
- RF-4531 Section 2.3 of developer guide that contained wrong information is corrected
- RF-4069 URLs of resources generated by RF is corrected and info about this is added in the guide
- RF-4419 Information about "No filters for a pages without RichFaces resources" is added
- RF-4080 Details for web.xml configuration is added in oreder to successfully integrate fileUpload component with myfaces framework
- RF-4492 richfaces-usersguide.pdf link is fixed on HTML version, was dead.
- RF-3117 Wiki: ViewExpiredException workaround is written
- RF-2799 RF integral parts. info about Prototype, jQuery 1.2.6 and 1.8.1 is added
- RF-4056 Getting Started with RichFaces chapter is updated
- RF-4596 Standard Skinning & Portlets note is added
- RF-4915 JSF version has been updated, docs are updated as well
- RF-4542 Docs for web.xml settings incorrectly reference SeamFaceletViewHandler. Fixed.
- RF-5190 Upgrade to prototype.js and 1.8.2. docs are updated
- RF-3986 oncomplete documentation in richfaces_userguide.pdf wrong - fixed.
- RF-3560 Style class attributes are added to docs
- RF-4060 Cookbook is linked to the the guide
Improvements in FAQ guide
- RF-5176 "How to launch the RichFaces sample on the JBoss server" section is added
RF-5092 Section "Why form isn't submitted or setter isn't called after AJAX request" is updated
- RF-3860 Info about differences in a4j 3.2.x and a4j 3.1.1 is added
Improvemnts in Migration guide
- RF-3048 Migration guide is updated. Chapter describing 3.2.x to 3.3.0. migration is added and chapter describing migration from 3.1.x to 3.2.x is updated
Articles and Tutorials
- RF-4494 Tutorial about developing the Sample application is written. First draft version.
- RF-5393 Blog article introducing new features of 3.3.0. release is written
- RF-4933 Web applications security security articles are written.
- RF-3692 CDK tutorial is updated
Guides build improvements
- RF-4857 Time and date on online nightly builds now are shown
- RF-4927 Collapsing on TOC bug is fixed
- RF-4107 One resources folder is made for all 4 guides
RF-5429 Possibility to get an anchor as a link on guide pages is added
RF-4644 Possibility to comment each particular page of html docs online - Feedback Form is implemented