Version 28


    This page is out-of-date

    All this information is summarized, improved and up to date in the README page for droolsjbpm projects.



    This section covers the innards of the Guvnor - it is not neccesary to use this if you are integrating or an end user of the Guvnor application. However, JBoss Rules is open source, so build instructions form part of the manual.


    You may want to build from source if you want to re-use components, or embed the application in your own.


    Building from source


    This section will go over the steps you will need to take to build various components. Mostly this is automated, but the manual process is described for thoroughness.




    Main module is drools-guvnor.


    The modules in drools trunk that drools-guvnor depends on are:
















    Working with Maven 3


    Maven 3 is used as the underlying build system. To get started, you will need to check out the WHOLE of the source tree for JBoss Rules. This includes the other modules, and the top level lib and repository directories (which are needed by the build). As the Guvnor build is part of the main drools build.


    Initially, you should go into the root of the jboss-rules checked out source tree, and run mvn install to install all the components for the inter project depedencies. If the build is broken (no ! say it isn't so !) you can use the flag -Dmaven.test.skip=true to prevent failing unit tests from preventing the build.


    Finally, you can go into the drools-guvnor directory and run "mvn test" to check it all works, or "mvn package" to generate the web application (as well as run the tests). You should now be good to go !


    Working with GWT

    Debugging, Editing and running with Eclipse


    You can generate the Eclipse project configuration files by running mvn eclipse:eclipse in the drools trunk root.The files have project dependencies (means you can step through code when debugging).


    Some environment variables are required in eclipse (Window->Preferences->Java->Build path->Classpath variables): the M2_REPO, as normal, to point to where maven downloads shared dependencies.


    How you launch from eclipse: you can launch unit test, as normal (in which case you only need M2_REPO setup - you don't even need to download GWT seperately) - OR, you can launch it using the GWT Eclipse plugin.


    How to install GWT plugin


    How to run Guvnor from Eclipse

    1. Right click drools-guvnor project in project explorer
    2. Select Google -> Web Toolkit Settings...
    3. Check Use Google Web Toolkit checkbox
    4. Select Java Build Path -> Order and Export tab from the Properties window
    5. Move GWT SDK to the top of the list
    6. Click OK to close the Properties window
    7. Right click on the project and select Run As -> Web Application
    8. Select Guvnor.html from the list that pops up and click OK ( If you can't see the pop up, make sure that you have "This project has a WAR directory" unchecked in Properties->Google->Web Application )
    9. GWT Development Mode window appears, click Launch Default Browser
    10. Guvnor opens in your default browser



    More info about how to use and install the GWT plugin can be found here


    How to develop using NetBeans



    If you have problems, contact


    toni AT rikkola DOT net


    , and please use the subject "help building Guvnor from source".