Version 11

    Scripting in JBoss


    Scripting languages are supported in various projects and Enterprise Platforms and Frameworks, for example:



    BSF == The Bean Scripting Framework, a framework providing a common api to various pluggable scripting engines (BSH being one of them.)


    BSH == BeanShell, a very Java-like scripting language (wiki page here)




    Upgrading BSF and BSH in JBoss


    In AS 4.2.3, the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4.3, ESB 4.4, and the JBoss SOA Platform 4.2, the version of BSF is 2.3.0 and the version of BSH is 1.3.0.  Unfortunately, this older version of BSF supports less scripting engines (for example, no Groovy), and a broken Mozilla Rhino JavaScript.  If you would like to upgrade (recognizing that this would affect the full supportability of our Enterprise Platforms and Frameworks that depend on them), you can follow these simple steps:


    Upgrading BSF

    1. Download

    2. Extract and copy bsf-2.4.0/lib/bsf.jar to overwrite jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/lib/bsf.jar

    3. Regression test your application. 


    Upgrading BSH

    1. Download bsh-2.0b4.jar

    2. Copy bsh-2.0b4.jar to overwrite jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/lib/bsh.jar

    3. Regression test your application. 


    (In the above instructions replace "4.2.3.GA" with your AS version or "jboss-as" in JBoss EAP or SOA-P, and replace "default" with your server configuration name.)