Get JBoss Seam
Latest release
Get the latest release from here: (if you are wondering what GA and CR mean, please refer to the JBoss Product Versioning page)
Nightly build
Nightly builds of Seam are available here:
Get JBoss Seam from the CVS, to do so you will need the following information:
username: anonymous
leave the password empty
connection type: pserver
repository path: /cvsroot/jboss
module: jboss-seam
So basically the command line to type would be:
cvs -d co jboss-seam
Get JBoss AS
Now you need to download the latest JEMS installer (note: for the latest Seam 3.0 from CVS, you'll need JBoss AS 4.2 CR1 instead)
Install JBoss AS with the following command: java -jar jems-installer-1.2.0.BETA3.jar
Install the "ejb3" configuration using the wizard, "ejb3-clustered" if you need to run it on a cluster or "portal", if you want to use Seam to create portlets.
Configure and build Seam
Make sure you are running JDK 1.5, if not please download it from and install it
Edit jboss-seam/ to reflect the path of the JBoss installation
In jboss-seam directory execute the ant script using the default target
Deploy an example
In any of the example directory execute the ant script with the default target to deploy it
Useful Links