Version 10

    SelectItems DataBinder

    Author: Jim Hazen

    Code Last Updated: 10 July 2006





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    This page contains an implementation of a custom Seam DataBinder that provides transparent binding between lists of arbitrary objects and List tag.



    @SelectItems(labelMethod="getName", disabledMethod="isDisabled")
    private List<User> users;

    See the JavaDoc and examples for a complete list of supported features.  Features include three predefined value generation strategies, sensible defaults, and runtime lookup of all SelectItem attributes.



    10 July 2006

    • Bug fix - valueMethod attribute now properly sets the SelectItem value instead of the label.

    • Repackaging.  Code now packaged under org.jboss.seam.databindings.{annotations, selectitems} to ease future inclusion into the Seam codebase.


    06 July 2006


    Initial code drop.