Default configuration services
The non-core, hot-deployable services are added to the deploy directory. They can be either XML descriptor files (called <name>-service.xml) or JBoss Service Archive (SAR) files. SARs contain both the XML descriptor and additional resources which the service requires (e.g. classes, library jar files
or other archives), all packaged up a single archive. In the default configuration deploy directory, you'll find the following files and sub-directories:
ejb-deployer.xml : The ejb2.1 and earlier deployer service.
ear-deployer.xml : The JavaEE EAR deployer service.
http-invoker.sar: provides RMI/HTTP access for MBeans and EJBs.
jbossweb-tomcat55.sar: an expanded SAR file containing the embedded Tomcat service. This provides the standard web container within JBoss. The file server.xml specifies what port JBoss will listen to to service HTTP requests.
jms: JMS-specific services grouped together in a subdirectory.
hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml: implements caching and persistence using the embedded HSQL database. Also contains the DestinationManager MBean which is the core service for the JMS implementation.
jbossmq-destinations-service.xml: sets up standard JMS Topics and Queues which are used by the JBoss test suite.
jbossmq-service.xml: additional services for JMS, including the interceptor configuration.
jms-ra.rar: resource adapter to allow JMS connection factories to be handled by JCA.
jms-ds.xml: sets up JBoss Messaging as the default JMS provider and supplies JCA configuration information to integrate the JMS resource adapter with JBoss JCA.
jmx-console.war: the management console web application.
jmx-invoker-adaptor-server.sar: provide remote access to the JMX MBean server.
management: sub-directory containing alternative management services, including an improved web console. Currently still in development.
cache-invalidation-service.xml: allows customized control of the EJB cache via JMS.
hsqldb-ds.xml: sets up the embedded Hypersonic database service and the default data source.
jboss-jca.sar: the JBoss JCA implementation. Allows the deployment of JCA resource adaptors within JBoss.
jboss-local-jdbc.rar and jboss-xa-jdbc.rar: these are JCA resource adapters to integrate JDBC drivers which support DataSource and XADataSource respectively but for which there is no proprietary JCA implementation.
mail-service.xml: allows applications and services to use JavaMail from within JBoss. Must be configured with relevant mail server information.
properties-service.xml: amongst other things, allows the setting of global system properties (as returned by System.getProperties). Also manages PropertyEditor classes through the PropertyEditorManagerService.
schedule-manager-service.xml and scheduler-service.xml*: task scheduling service.
snmp-adaptor.sar: JMX to SNMP adaptor.
sqlexception-service.xml: provides a means of identifying non-fatal SQL exceptions for a given JDBC driver.
transaction-service.xml: together with the MBeans in conf/jboss-service.xml, sets up the JBoss transaction manager and associated services.
user-service.xml a place to add your own MBeans.
uuid-key-generator.sar: generates unique UUID-based keys.
mbean-configurator.sar: sets attributes on MBeans as they are registered with mbean server