Version 5

    Searchable Wiki Title: Hints for running JBoss software on Sun Solaris / SunOS


    1. The tar executable that is shipped with Solaris 8 & Solaris 9 is POSIX tar, not GNU tar (reference A B).  JBoss ships in GNU tar format.  If you are trying to use POSIX tar to untar JBoss downloads you will encounter checksum errors.



    Both POSIX tar and GNU tar are shipped with Solaris 10.  GNU tar lives in /usr/sfw/bin/gtar.



    A copy of GNU tar for Solaris is attached to this wiki page. Of course, once you install this on your solaris box you will need to give it the proper execute permissions ith "chmod ugo+x gtar" before using it.  Use gtar just like you would tar (i.e. with the xf options).