Abstract baseclass SubDeployerInterceptorSupport
As of JBoss v4.0.3, there is a new baseclass that helps writing
MBean services that dynamically hooks-up a JMX Interceptor to one or more
SubDeployers that have been configured as Interceptables.
The reason to do this is if you want to plugin functionality that is
optional to a SubDeployer. For example, the code in JBoss HEAD uses this
feature to enable WebService support for the ejb, ejb3 and web deployers.
This is better that operating on JMX subdeployer notifications, since the
notifications are produced after the deployment lifecycle events
(i.e. init, create, start, stop, destroy) have taken place, plus you have
no control over the fate of the deployment.
In contrast, a SubDeployerInterceptor service can intercept calls to
the targeted SubDeployers, do its own thing and potentially fail
a deployment by throwing an exception.
org.jboss.deployment.SubDeployerInterceptorSupport is just a subclass
of org.jboss.system.InterceptorServiceMBeanSupport, that knows about
the SubDeployer interface, and thus can qualify the intercepted calls.
Instead of invoke(Invocation), you override any of the methods below.
Normally, you'll apply your own logic before and/or after invoking
invokeNext(invocation) to let the call proceed to the target SubDeployer:
/** * Override */ protected Object init(Invocation invocation, DeploymentInfo di) throws Throwable { return invokeNext(invocation); } /** * Override */ protected Object create(Invocation invocation, DeploymentInfo di) throws Throwable { return invokeNext(invocation); } /** * Override */ protected Object start(Invocation invocation, DeploymentInfo di) throws Throwable { return invokeNext(invocation); } /** * Override */ protected Object stop(Invocation invocation, DeploymentInfo di) throws Throwable { return invokeNext(invocation); } /** * Override */ protected Object destroy(Invocation invocation, DeploymentInfo di) throws Throwable { return invokeNext(invocation); }
To add/remove the jmx interceptor to the target mbeans, you may call
the attach()/detach() method in the base class. By default, those
methods are called inside startService()/stopService():
/** * Override */ protected void startService() throws Exception { attach(); } /** * Override */ protected void stopService() { detach(); }
The final step is to configure the target Interceptables attribute.
For example, to attach to the ejb, ejb3 and web deployer use:
... <depends-list optional-attribute-name="Interceptables"> <depends-list-element>jboss.ejb:service=EJBDeployer</depends-list-element> <depends-list-element>jboss.ejb3:service=EJB3Deployer</depends-list-element> <depends-list-element>jboss.web:service=WebServer</depends-list-element> </depends-list>
Those 3 SubDeployers have already been (X)Mbean-ized in JBoss 4.x and HEAD.
To enable other SubDeployers as Interceptables, except for the (X)MBean
descriptor we need to make sure the SubDeployers use a dynamic MBeanServer
proxy, rather than a direct 'this' reference, when registering with the MainDeployer.
This is done as follows for the EJBDeployer:
public class EJBDeployer extends SubDeployerSupport implements EJBDeployerMBean { ... /** Hold a proxy reference to myself, used when registering to MainDeployer */ private SubDeployer thisProxy; ... protected void startService() throws Exception { ... // Do NOT call super.startService()! // make a proxy to myself, so that calls from the MainDeployer // can go through the MBeanServer, so interceptors can be added thisProxy = (SubDeployer) MBeanProxyExt.create(SubDeployer.class, super.getServiceName(), super.getServer()); // Register with the main deployer mainDeployer.addDeployer(thisProxy); } protected void stopService() throws Exception { ... // Do NOT call super.stopService(); // deregister with MainDeployer mainDeployer.removeDeployer(thisProxy); ... }
SubDeployer interceptors that we may consider adding, could be related to
security, logging, etc.
Referenced by: