Version 35

    Checklist before handing tag to QA:

    • Create the tag
    • Verify the release notes
    • Make sure that all unit tests pass
    • Make sure war deployables created using archetypes deploy fine


    Guide for QA




    • Testing on GateIn and JBoss Portal
      The bridge must be tested on both JBoss Portal and Gatein. All example apps and archetypes automatically default to run on GateIn so you must provide an extra parameter with each maven command when targeting JBP. Use "mvn install -Pjbossportal". This copies the correct configurations that are specific to JBP.


    • *Note - integrationTest is disabled for current 2.0 release. It will be revived in a later release.
      Run "mvn install" using top level POM. This should run the testsuite. Verify that testsuite passes 100%. *Note - The integrationTest module will run automatically and there will be a 1 minute pause in the selenium tests so be patient, This is to test the session timeout and ensure proper error handling. (depending on your OS and default Firefox settings, you may need to modify the integrationTest pom.xml with the path to your firefox version)


    • Running The Archetypes & Examples:




    • Demos

      • You will already have the source in the examples directory of the tag. Run 'mvn install' for GateIn or 'mvn install -Pjbossportal' for JBP 2.7 and later from the root example dir, and copy the generated target/war or target/ear to your portal+server installation and step through the portlet.

        • SeamBooking

          • For the JSR-329 Portlet 2.0 Seam Booking Example, their is a Google map portlet which tests IPC/Eventing in the portlet 2.0 environment.
        • RichFaces Component Demo

        • JSF-1.2 JSP Only Car Demo


    **Note - All extensions are now integrated into the 2.0 bridge by default. There is no need to add extra parmeters for SSO. But functionality must still be tested.

    • Extensions

      To run the seam booking demo with SSO extension:

      • run mvn install -Psso from the booking example root directory

      • follow instructions in section 1.3 from the root directory

    **Note - Do not complete this next step until further notification has been given.

    • JBoss Portal Admin UI verification
      • Overwrite all jboss portlet bridge jar in jboss-portal.sar of the latest GA release of JBoss Portal
      • Verify that identity admin ui works properly
      • Verify that wsrp admin ui works properly
      • Verify portal admin ui works properly

    Upload to SourceForge

    • Modify release.xml with the corrrect version number
    • Run "maven clean install -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true". Skipping tests because we know that everything is rock solid.
    • ant -f release.xml
    • Upload binary, source zip files and their MD5 sums to sourceforge under JBoss Portal project
    • Upload binaries to for JBoss Portal and EPP branches to pick them up (Wesley)