Installing Embedded JBoss into Standalone Tomcat 5.5
The embedded distribution should come with a little ant script, install-tomcat55.xml, that installs jboss into your standalone Tomcat distribution. The jboss.dir and tomcat.dir properties are passed in as parameters to identify the location of each distribution.
ant -f install-tomcat55.xml -Djboss.dir=/home/wburke/downloads/embedded-jboss -Dtomcat.dir=/home/wburke/apache-tomcat-5.5.20
This script is really, really simple:
Copy all files and directories under embedded-jboss/bootstrap into tomcat's common/classes directory, except the file
Copy all .jar files under embedded-jboss/lib into tomcat's common/lib directory, except jboss-embedded-tomcat-bootstrap.jar
Copy jboss-embedded-tomcat-bootstrap.jar into tomcat's server/lib directory
After installation, your tomcat distribution should look something like this:
apache-tomcat-5.5.20/ common/classes/ conf/ deploy/ deployers/ log4j.xml common/lib/ thirdparty-all.jar hibernate-all.jar jboss-embedded-all.jar server/lib/ jboss-embedded-tomcat-bootstrap.jar