Getting started with the preview version
Download AS 4.0.5, Portal 2.6, and the preview version of blog
Deploy both portal and blog, start the server
You will see two tabs at the top, named blog1 and blog2
Click on the blog1 tab, you will see two blog portlet instances
both of them display external feeds
the first one displays an entry description, if one is available and if the entry is clicked, on the same page
the second one opens a separate page for each clicked blog entry
Click on the blog2 tab. You will again see two portlet instances. These display "internal" blogs, which can be completely managed by the blog system. However, no blogs are yet created, so nothing is displayed. The portlets are configured to display blogs with identifiers, respectively, id=default, category= and id=default, category=private.
Login as admin/admin to be able to administrate the blogs
Click on the "administrate" link
Create a new blog id, default. A blog id corresponds to "one blog" - owned by a person, team etc. A blog can have many categories.
Create a new category with an empty identifier. This will serve as the "main" or default category.
Again click on the "administrate" link, the edit the created default blog id; create a category with an identifier private
You should now see that the bottom portlet displays the newly created category, however there are no posts yet.
Click on the "create" new posts link; fill in the necessary fields
You can cross-post into many categories by selecting multiple checkboxes, available at the bottom during post creating/ edition
When viewing a post, you can add/delete comments
Try logging in as user/user. You should only be able to add comments.
If you want to change the way posts entries are displayed, or the number of post entries displayed per page, go to portal administration and edit the portlet instances preferences