Version 11

    Working with UDDI


    An AccessPoint Locator Service


    One common problem you encounter when you deal with a web service based architecture

    is to build a library that eases the process of retrieving web services accesspoints URLs

    from the registry. What you will see hereafter is an example of a JBoss service based

    on MBeans called "Accesspoint Locator Service" that aims to centralise and optimize these

    registry accesses for all web service clients deployed into a JBossAS server.



    This example is using:

    • previous UDDIExample to deploy & publish an example web service

    • JAXR to talk to the registry.

    • The UDDI v2 jUDDI service you will find in all/juddi-service.sar and you can copy into the default configuration

    • JBossAS-4.0.3RC2+

    • MBeans








    The AccesspointLocator MBean publishes a simple Proxy in the JBossAS JNDI tree. Thus, using a



    client applications will use a simple


    interface to interact with the service and retrieve a web

    service accesspoint.



    The simple AccesspointLocator interface:

    public interface AccesspointLocator
         public URL getAccesspoint(String in_serviceName) throws Exception;



    Thus, your web service client code will be:

    AccesspointLocator al = (AccesspointLocator)(new InitialContext()).lookup("java:/AccesspointLocator");
    ExampleService_PortType stub = (ExampleService_PortType)
                             new ExampleService_Service_Impl().getExampleServicePort();
    URL accesspoint = al.getAccesspoint("ExampleService");
    ((Stub)stub)._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, accesspoint.toString() );







    The AccesspointService modules

    • registry: a simple MBean dedicated to the registry conversation. The provided one uses JAXR.

    • cache: a simple MBean handling a HashMap. Ask your cache specialists to develop a real one with several initialisation/flush policies and maybe UDDI changes notification system.

    • distribute: in case of you deploy your web services several time, you will have several accesspoints per web service. You need to define how these accesspoints will be distributed per client requests. In this example, it's a simple MBean implementing a non strict Round-Robin distribution. Here too, ask your genious developers to provide you with wonderful policies with numerous options.






    To run the example

    • install the juddi-service.sar (copy the


      from the all configuration)

    • publish in the registry the web service from the example in this wiki page (don't forget to add the ddl in the


        used to publish the WSDL)

    • deploy the accesspoint service (ant task in

    • deploy the test.war (ant task in

    • in your browser, enter http://localhost:8080/test/testService.jsp



    You should see the following result :

    Test WS with Accesspoint Locator
    # http://localhost:8080/example/ExampleService (483)
        * multiply 100 by 2 = 200
    # http://localhost:8080/example2/ExampleService (0)
        * multiply 100 by 2 = 200
    # http://localhost:8080/example/ExampleService (0)
        * multiply 100 by 2 = 200







    To go further

    This example is just a starting point. What you will have to do is to apply your

    taxonomy and give key categories as an argument to the AccesspointLocator.getAccespoint() method.

    Also you can largely extend the service to, for example, collect statistics (useful if you want to know which

    services are currently used in your system) or locate WSDL too (not only access points) for your DII code.