Usage Patterns (Rule patterns and practices)
Drools is now becoming a large ecosystem of functionality that has expanded from the core rules engine capability in Drools Expert, to now encompass a full Business Logic Integration Platform. The major features of Guvnor, Expert, Fusion, Flow, and Solver (or Planner) provide an extensive range of functionality.
The concept of Usage Patterns now has to be expanded to consider how this range of functionality can be applied to solving business problems. The patterns now have to consider:
- Which aspects of the features of Drools should I use
- How do I structure my system, i.e. BRMS, RuleAgent, embedded, execution server, web service etc.
- What patterns can I use within the rules for my type of problem
- What does and what doesn't work easily in Drools
This page needs to be restructured to accommodate the concerns. In addition there need to be a couple of layers. One of the objectives is to make Drools more accessible to business users, so there are there a set of patterns for this community as well as a set of patterns for the more technically orientated community.
IndustryRulePatterns : Overview of the use of rules within industry sectors.
Business Rule Usage: Overview of common usages of rules within industry sectors
Deployment Patterns: Approaches to deploying rules and why
Rule Patterns: Sorting out the stuff below
Rule Templates
Fact Harvesting
Handling Recursion
Fact Template Mapping
Rule archetypes
Use OR conditional element to build evidence
Atomic rules
Business Object Model
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