Version 2

    This is a guide to building a jbossws14 release.  The jbossws stack is compiled with jdk5 and then retroweaved to a jdk14 compatible build for inclusion with jboss 4.


    1. Build jboss-head with jdk5

    2. Retroweave the webservices build (jdk5)

      1. ant main -Dretro=true

    3. Validate that the retroweaved classes contain no jdk5 references (use jdk14)

      1. ant jbossretro-check

    4. The jbossws14-client.jar & jbossws14.sar are available in output/lib.


    The jbossws14 jars are versioned along with the jbossws releases.  This release is currently managed by the webservices team.