What is a minimum configuration to run the jmx-console?
Using the default configuration of JBoss v3.2.6, you should be able
to run the jmx-console having:
in ./lib
bindingservice-plugin.jar bsh-core-1.3.0.jar bsh-deployer.jar jboss-j2ee.jar jboss-jaas.jar jboss-jsr77.jar jboss-management.jar jboss-saaj.jar jboss-transaction.jar jboss.jar jbosssx.jar jcert.jar jnet.jar jnpserver.jar jpl-pattern.jar jpl-util.jar jsse.jar log4j.jar
in ./deploy:
jboss-jca.sar jbossweb-tomcat50.sar jmx-console.war transaction-service.xml
You should be able to get slimmer than this by tweaking
./conf/jboss-service.xml and remove unecessary boot services.
(If you can provide an example, let me know, thanks!)
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