Version 8

    Why does the GUI isntall of the Hypersonic datasource fail in M3/M4


    versions: 1.0M3, 1.0M4




    Automatic install where we do not generate a datasource but just using the Hypersonic DefaultDS works.  If

    you select "Generate Datasource" then it is actually the install of a remote hypersonic datasource (TCPIP).


    Work around


    If you do not intend to use a remote instance of Hypersonic do not change the options on the last screen.




    In the a future release this will be made clearer.  We won't be adding the generation of local hypersonic datasources

    as this is an edge case and would add unnecessary confusion to the installer.  You can configure this with manual





    Problem (1.0M4)


    When running on a Windows operating system after installation without generating a datasource you get:


    16:13:57,437 WARN  [ServiceController] Problem starting service jboss:service=Hypersonic,database=lo
    java.sql.SQLException: Wrong database file version
            at org.hsqldb.Trace.getError(


    or a similar error related to Hypersonic.


    For whatever reason the JBAS4.0.3SP1 that we included in JBMS 1.0M4 cannot be started from the bin directory.


    Work around


    cd to the %JBMS_HOME% dir and type "bin\run.bat"




    In the next release we'll at least correct the instructions the installer posts.  Hopefully we can fix the bin\run.bat script in the next release of JBAS that is included to where this doesn't matter.


    See Also