Version 2

    Wiki Ad was Deleted


    The JBoss Wiki is for community generated documentation.  The JBoss Professional Open Source developers create a great deal of content on the wiki; however, a fair share of the content is also created by part-time committers, partners and users.


    The JBoss Wiki is not for commercial advertising.  Sometimes a fine line may be drawn between what is an ad and what is a piece of general advice or documentation.  A judgement call will be made.  As a general rule of thumb if its "how do I do XYZ" and the page just says "Buy ZYX from VendorY" then the page will be deleted.  There are times when this won't be strictly held to (for instance "How do I create shared links in the deploy directory on Windows" might refer to norton utilities or something). 


    In short, if you are employed by a vendor and you want links from the or website you're gonna have to contact "".  If you're a user and you feel this was done by mistake then complain on the mailing list explaining why you think the page should not have been deleted (include the link and the username of the deleter from the recent changes or page history).