Version 48

    Extreme Quick Start

    If you know you want to use BlackTie and just need some help getting started with the project, you can follow the instructions at the following page which will give guidance on how to deploy the binary distributions of BlackTie:

    Deploying Blacktie

    What is Blacktie?

    Blacktie is an implementation of the X/Open XATMI specification with bindings provided for both Java and C/C++. As a well defined interface, pre-existing C/C++ code that uses the standard XATMI header file should recompile with Blacktie with no code changes required. With no standard XATMI interface available for Java several APIs are provided to support a variety of deployment configurations, both standalone Java and EJB applications are supported.


    • Standards compliance

      • X/Open XATMI Implementation

    • No need to re-write existing C and C++ clients or services

      • Blacktie provides bindings in both C/C++ and Java for clients and services to use

    • Unix and Windows support

      • Blacktie can be built on a variety of platforms using the provided Maven and Ant scripts

    • Code generation tools

      • Allowing the creation of client and server executables linked against the Blacktie binaries

    • Java XATMI APIs; JAB and XATMI

      • The JAB API is intended for standalone Java applications

      • The XATMI api may be used by standalone Java or application server clients/services

    • Native support for JBoss Transactions

      • Complete distributed transaction support

      • Automated failure recovery system

    Getting Involved

    Do you want to be a JBoss Blacktie committer? The project is always looking for interested individuals to contribute ideas or developer time

    Why not take a look at the currently outstanding tasks in JIRA?

    You can also catch us on our freenode IRC channel: #blacktie

    Developer Resources

    Hopefully you will consider helping to develop BlackTie in the future. If so, you can follow the instructions at the following pages which will give guidance on where to checkout the project from and how to build it (and pointers on how to build Blackties dependencies):

    Building Blacktie

    Developing Blacktie

    Integrating the Build into Hudson

    Debugging JNI in Eclipse

    BlackTie Configuration

    BlackTie Architecture

    BlackTie Administration InterfacesBlackTie Command Reference

    BlackTie Roadmap

    Using XATMI Buffer Types with BlackTie

    XATMI Services and BlackTie

    Building XATMI services and clients

    Administrator Resources

    Please see the following pages for documentation on how to administer BlackTie domains:


    Monitoring and management of blacktie servers by blacktie-rhq-plugin

    BlackTie Command Reference


    The following links provide some useful information about the Blacktie in general:


    We have two forums available to Blacktie users. The first forum is a general one where questions about the project, its aims and how you might use it can be posted. The latter is related to the design of Blacktie, its architecture and is the place where we can discuss future design features:


    The following blog is where you will hear about new and upcoming releases from the Blacktie team. Along with some general thoughts on how Blacktie will change the world

    Development Team

    The following list are the current team involved in the Blacktie project. If you would like to see your name here, why not get involved?

    • Mark Little, Development Manager.

    • Tom Jenkinson, Project Lead.

    • Michael Musgrove, Star Developer.

    • Amos Feng, Star Developer.