Version 18

    Installation on JBoss depends on your selected target container. In order to install JBossWS-CXF (JBossWS with Apache CXF integration) or JBossWS-Native, download it and follow these steps:

    1. Copy to
    2. Modify file accordingly. The most important properties are jbossXYZ.home and (Don't forget to uncomment jbossXYZ.home)
    3. Execute one of the following (replace 'x' by a supported minor version)
    ant -Djboss.server.instance=default deploy-jboss5xx
    ant -Djboss.server.instance=default deploy-jboss6xx
    ant deploy-jboss7xx


    The supported server configurations are default, all and standard. This parameter is not needed for AS 7 series.

    If users omit -Djboss.server.instance JVM property the stack is installed to default configuration.

    Since 3.4 (CXF)

    If you're installing JBossWS-CXF stack and want to install SpringFramework libraries too to the application server, allowing the use of CXF Spring configuration files, please add the -Dspring=true property:

    ant -Dspring=true deploy-jbossXYZ


    After the jbossws-console.war is deployed, you should be able to access JBossWS under http://localhost:8080/jbossws.

    If you have any questions, please post to the User Forum.



    Running the JBossWS samples and building from source

    To build the examples you need JUnit. Download junit-4.X.jar from and copy into ${JBOSS_HOME}/lib/endorsed.

    Since we currently rely on an external ant installation for the build, you'll need to set the correct ANT_OPTS

      export ANT_OPTS="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=<JBOSS_HOME>/lib/endorsed/" 

    On Windows:

      set ANT_OPTS="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=<JBOSS_HOME>\lib\endorsed"