The aim of this page is to help users coping with real world usecases. For this reason some advanced sample have been developed.
How to use the advanced samples
The JBossWS basic samples introduce you to most of the available features, showing you how to use each of them through simple JUnit test cases.
Instead the advanced samples covered here have their own scenario linking them to a real world use case. They are meant to be used as stand alone applications: different reliable implementations are proposed for each scenario, leveraging the most suitable JBossWS features. The choices taken for the key points of each usecase are then discussed. You should follow the steps in the documentation and run the applications whenever you're invited to. This way you'll be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.
Right now the advanced sample are available in the source distribution only. You need to download it and run ant (default target) to compile everything. The advanced samples' archives (both client and server) are in the output/tests/lib directory like the other samples.
Available samples
- JBossWS - Asynchronous invocations sample: Asynchronous invocations to long running ws endpoint operations
- JBossWS - Security and attachments sample: Security and attachments