Version 10

    The following are features of Embedded Jopr 1.2.CR for JBAS5.1CR (bundled as part of JBAS release)


    • Persistent configuration changes for the following resources:
      • Datasources
      • Connection Factories
      • JMS Queues and Topics based on JBoss Messaging
    • Deploy, undeploy and update applications (EARs, WARs, EJB jars)
    • View statistics and carry out operations on many other components:
      • JBAS server: e.g. version, memory usage, thread count
      • EARs, WARs, EJB jars: e.g. lifecycle operations - start/stop/reload.
    • Information on the machine JBAS is running on, e.g. OS, version


    Between the CR and GA release we're aiming to add support for monitoring more resources e.g. JBoss Web vhosts and connectors, and allow for removal of resources such as Datasources and JMS destinations via the console.


    The following are features of Embedded Jopr 1.2.CR for JBAS4.2.x (available as a separate download)


    • Persistent configuration changes for the following resources:
      • Datasources
      • Connection Factories
      • JMS Queues and Topics based on either JBoss MQ or the newer JBoss Messaging
    • Deploy, undeploy and update applications (EARs and WARs)
    • Monitor all standard JVM metrics and execute operations e.g. thread dump, garbage collection.
    • View statistics and carry out operations on many other components:
      • JBAS server: e.g. version, memory usage, thread count and stop operation
      • Hibernate Session factories
      • JBoss Web vhosts: supported aliases
      • JBoss Web connectors: e.g. Maximum Request Time
      • EARs and WARs:  e.g. Avg. Servlet Resp. Time and lifecycle operations e.g. start/stop/reload.
    • Execute scripts found under /bin



    To access the console, once it has been deployed, go to this URL.




    The default username and password are admin/admin. These credentials come from the "jmx-console" security domain which by default is configured via ${JBOSS_CONFIG_DIR}/conf/props/


    The following are issues still be resolved at the time of release of 1.2.CR.


    Web UI related getCurrentAvailablity() is called on PC 5 or 6 times more often than is necessary each time a page is loaded Incorporate draggable pane splitter from JON to Embedded Login page content shifted towards the top in IE7 Read-only properties should be marked as read-only



    Jopr plugin related AS5 plugin: execute ManagementView.loadProfile() once per PC discovery scan rather than on every call to discoverResources() for each type of service ManagedComponentComponent.invokeOperation() assumes there is only one ManagedOperation with a given name, which may not be true AS5 plugin: standalone EJB.jar deployments through the console are throwing NPE AS5 plugin: An empty "Metrics Summary" table is displayed on the "Summary" page for queues and topics Re-enable support for deleting resources when JBAS-6227 is fixed if an op or config update is in progress, getAvail() and other facet calls on the same ResourceComponent block due to the facet write lock being held, causing GUI pages that reference that Resource to block until the op or config update completes JBAS4: can't create valid XA datasource using default template if an op or config update is in progress, getAvail() and other facet calls on the same ResourceComponent block due to the facet write lock being held, causing GUI pages that reference that Resource to block until the op or config update completes 'interleaving' and 'poolJndiName' props are missing from resource config defs for Datasource and Connection Factory ResourceTypes Errors when deleting a webapp with vhosts jboss-as plugin: when creating or updating a Topic or Queue, what is entered for the JNDI Name resource config prop is ignored and overwritten w/ "/topic/<topic-name>" or "/queue/<queue-name>"





    Core JBoss Application Server related Only way to remove a managedcomponent is to remove its deployment Check each DS and Destinations properties are accurate/needed Make sure that the metrics for Topics and Queues (eg. All Message Count, Depth, Depth Delta) are marked as ViewUse.STATISTIC Embedded Console issues with standard config The value of "Connections In Use Count" that gets displayed in the embedded console as the result of the "List Formatted Sub Pool Statistics" operation does not get updated after connections are closed ManagementView.getDeployment should always at least return a structural view of a deployment Dynamic creation of vhost managed objects Web Application (WAR) additional metrics and operations EJB3 Session Bean metrics EJB 1.x or 2.x metrics Suport for exposing JMX bean as ManagedObject Add deployExploded argument to DeploymentManager.distribute() provide API in DeploymentManager for specifying which dir the file should be deployed to (e.g. to deploy to farm dir, rather than deploy dir) Entering Global JNDI name in embedded console for new ConnectionFactory results in FileNotFoundException 'interleaving' prop on connection factories and datasources is always null, even when underlying ds.xml file contains the interleaving element Seam/VFS integration issue Allow messageCounterHistoryDayLimit to be set on JMS destinations Add support for JMS ServerPeer managed object to support enabling metric collection through the console java.lang.InterruptedException thrown from getNonDurableSubscriptionsCount expose cluster partition name via some ManagedObject Invoking the "listFormattedSubPoolStatistics" operation on a datasource from the admin-console, without specifying a parameter value, results in an UndeclaredThrowableException Invoking the "List All Subscriptions" operation from the embedded console for a Topic that has multiple subscribers results in an empty list being displayed Stopping a JMS destination through the console does not change its availability DeploymentManager.start/stop() fail with NoSuchDeploymentException when called on a Deployment that is a child of another Deployment AS 5 Plugin:  User-created Connection Factory status is DOWN after server restart



    Project versions used in Embedded Jopr 1.2.CR release