JSF Test project & framework
- jboss-test-harness
- jboss-test-audit
- jboss-test-jsf (proposed name from Alex)
- seam-mock
- jsf-unit ( where does this fit in?)
- Is it duplicating effort
4.0 ALPHA1
- RF Jira - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/secure/BrowseVersion.jspa?id=12310341&versionId=12313508&showOpenIssuesOnly=true
- RFPL Jira - https://jira.jboss.org/jira/secure/BrowseVersion.jspa?id=12310840&versionId=12313745&showOpenIssuesOnly=true
- RFPL partially populated
- Status of wiki translation to RFPL, RF
- Why has RF not been filled out at all
Efforts & Dates for ALPHA1
Does not seem enough yet to define
Items from last week
- AI Anton: Create a "Hot To Develop RichFaces 4.0"
- Discuss how to build and develop the framework
- AI Jay: Complete Jira policy
- AI Jay: Investigate codestyle/findbug plugin & develop code style policies