Note: details in transcript
Test Framework
- Stan Silvert Joined us to discuss
- Discussed test framework requirements for RF
- Discussed, jsfunit, jsf-test, selenium, etc...
- AI Alex: Outline goals/requirements for RF 4.0 test framework in email thread
- RF team will work with Stand to define missing requirements from JSFUnit
- AI Stan: R&D resetting application scope in JSFUnit
- AI Stan : Review jsf-test and jboss-test-harness code
- AI Alex: Create a mail thread to continue this discussion
- What is missing from JSFUnit
- What can't JSFUnit solve
Test type breakdown
- smoke testing - tests for development time
- basic unit tests - standard bean logic testing with JUnit
- mock or mini-container - basic JSF integration testing
- Developer is responsible for creation, execution, and verifying results.
- commit testing - for pre/post commit
- executed in hudson and by developer
- uses JUnit or similar for realistic container testing
- Developer is responsible for creation, execution, and verifying results.
- end-to-end testing - check browser --> server, runs daily in hudson
- Used to provide feedback daily of full end-to-end functionality
- Used to assist is release acceptance
- QE is responsible for development, execution, and reporting
- AI Jay: Start thread on contents and timing of 4.0 ALPHA
- AI Anton: Create a "Hot To Develop RichFaces 4.0"
- Discuss how to build and develop the framework
- AI Jay: Investigate codestyle/findbug plugin & develop code style policies