Note: Details in transcript
- Many tasks remain
- Nick is wrapping up template compiler
- Unit tests are missing
- Andrey will add tests while Nick moves onto components
- AI Andrey/Nick: create a jira task for this in RF
- Alex is working on Annotation processor
- Alex believes he can finish up CDK for A1 by Tues/Wed next week
- AI Alex: Update ALPHA1 wiki and others when time
- EL compiler will not be ready for A1
Jira assignment
- Discussed what belongs in RF vs RFPL
- RFPL example - "Design Refactor new CDK"
- RF items -
- These are really RF items
- Good level of detail for RF
- Represent concrete items for release not planning or design tasks
Component Review
- Discussed handling for a4j:queue & a4j:status
- AI Ilya: Update wiki with outcome of this talk & source examples of options
- Agreed on a behavior type model
- <a4j:queue id="foo"...>
- ....
- <a4j:commandButton ...>
- <a4j:attachQueue queueId="foo" ... />
- </a4j:commandButton>
- This will move queue and status specific attributes out of our components - DRY
- Still some discussion on a4j:status behavior
- In some ways like a queue in other no so much
- Discussed the possibility for a <a4j:apply .../> component
- Generic attribute manipulation
- Might be useful, but concerns about implementation brought up.
Misc/Previous AIs
- AI Prabhat: review wikis and discuss in more details tomorrow
- AI Jay: Create a RFPL issue to define scope for QE in ALPHA1 release
- AI Nick & Team: Create jira's for the various tasks remaining for ALPHA1 and what work people are working on.
- AI Alex: Update other 4.0 wiki pages as needed
- AI Anton: Create a "Hot To Develop RichFaces 4.0"
- Discuss how to build and develop the framework