Version 9

    Following are the precondition for creating a tag in SVN

    1. Unit tests pass 100% with the latest 3.3.X branch.


    2. Demo app tests pass 100%

    Firefox with AS 5:

    Firefox with Tomcat 6:


    Following components needs to be definitively verified manually in Firefox: Push, EDT, Scrollable DT, Tooltip, all of the Rich Miscellanous group


    The following might not pass 100% -- failed tests have to be verified manually.

    Following components needs to be definitely verified manually in IE7 and IE8: Push, Data Scroller, EDT, Drag Support, Tooltip, Color Picker, Editor, File Upload, Inplace Select, Ordering List, all of the Rich Miscellanous group




    3. Photo Album tests pass 100%

    With JBoss AS 5




    Now, you are ready to tag. This pretty much guarantees that base is covered and should allow us to have less back and forth between teams.


    Post Tag:


    1. change version in all builds to new (both in svn url and in script)


    2. Repeate Steps 1,2,3 mentioned in previous sections

    3. Run preexisting selenium tests under Seam codebase with this version of RF

    4. Run preexisting selenium tests under latest compatible version PortletBridge + Portal codebase with this version of RF

    • Still need to be configured in Hudson


    5. Test Applications

    Given that the timeline of 3.3.2 release is end of September, we don't have enough time to automate testing of test applications. For this release this has to be done manually as it was done in the past. Note: We need to see the relevance of test applications in current stage now that demo app is automated but that's a separate topic.


    6. Manually test Photoalbum and demo applications with FF3, IE8, IE7 will some random existing skins. One skin per engineer.


    7. Following components need to be tested manually regardless of result of automated tests:

    • Data Scroller
    • Extended Data Table
    • Drag and Drop
    • Tooltip
    • Color Picker
    • Editor
    • File Upload
    • Inplace Select
    • Ordering List


    8. If not automated, manually test new example applications. Currenly, we have jabber client, tic-tac-toe and richrate examples.


    9. Run the regression testsuite. Some tests already exist in this testsuite and are automated. For tests not in regression testsuite but are needed to be tested, we need to do that manually. For 3.3.X, currently this includes:


    10. Manually verify all bugs fixed for this release. For Final release, we verify fixes that went to previous release as well.


    11. GOTO 2 if there is problem found and fix is made in tag (hopefully not).


    Post Upload of binaries


    1. Download bits from download location as if you were the user

    2. Manually overwrite richfaces jars in photo album, demo application, jabber client, tictactoe and verify that they work as expected.