Version 8

    Building Savara


    SAVARA is built using Maven. Specifically version 3 of maven is required, as the build uses the Tycho maven plugins to create the Eclipse features/plugins and update site.


    1. Check out source:


    The SAVARA source code, associated with the trunk, can be checked out using the following command:

    svn co


    You will also need to check out part of the JBoss Tools build mechanism, using:

    svn co



    2. Build the distributions


    From the jboss tools parent folder, run:

    mvn clean install


    This is necessary to create the jboss-tools parent-pom artifact within your local maven repository.


    The next step is to invoke the main Savara build using:


    mvn clean install -U -B -e -fae -P jbosstools-nightly-trunk,helios-remote-target,\!helios


    Note: the -U option may be unnecessary after the first build - its just to ensure the dependencies are up-to-date. Also the -fae (fail at end) option may not be required if the early detection of errors is preferred.


    The distribution/target folder will then contain the main distribution, containing the docs, samples and validators for installation into appropriate environments (initially JBossAS + JBossESB).


    The Eclipse update site is available from tools/site/target/



    Build workspace for Eclipse


    1. Run

    mvn eclipse:eclipse


    to build the workspace file (.classpath, .project etc). And then use the 'Eclipse -> import existing projects' to load the modules into Eclipse.




    Building Savara2 (Experimental)


    Savara2 is built in two stages. Firstly the main distribution is built, which builds the bundles and packages them into a distribution with the samples and documentation.


    From the root folder,

    mvn clean install

    The next phase is to build the tools. This shoud be performed from the tools folder,


    mvn clean install -e -P helios-remote-target,\!helios -Pqa -DBUILD_ALIAS=SNAPSHOT