Build and install the maven artifacts
This is an important step before importing the project in your IDE, because it populates your local maven repository with all the dependencies needed to build the project. The subsequent IDE integration then relies on the binaries in your local maven repo.
1.) Build the core modules artifacts
cd trunk/
mvn clean install
1.1) Build the sample store application
cd samples/TheStore
mvn clean install
Setup Intellij
1.) Create new Project from external model
Basically your just need to point Intellij to the top level pom.xml that resides within errai/trunk.
2.) Verify it selected the root pom.xml
3.) You should now have the project setup including all it's dependencies
Setup Eclipse
Make sure you have Eclipse and m2eclipse correctly installed.
1) In the menu bar select File > Import
2) On the Import wizard select Existing Maven Projects
3) Then choose your root directory (where you checked out source code), select the global pom.xml and click on Finish
4) Done !
If you run into problems please post your questions to the User Forum.