One step command would be:
mvn$ -Dws.stack=$WS_STACK clean install -P integration
Notice: here the $ has to be the absolute path to the file
mvn -Dorg_jboss_as_home=$AS_HOME -Dorg_jboss_as_config=$AS_CONFIG -Dorg_jboss_esb_home=$ESB_HOME -Ddatabase=$DATABASE -Dws.stack=$WS_STACK clean install -P integration
Three-step command (which was used in the hudson build)
mvn clean install cd integration-tests mvn -Dorg_jboss_as_home=$AS_HOME -Dorg_jboss_as_config=$AS_CONFIG -Dorg_jboss_esb_home=$ESB_HOME -Ddatabase=$DATABASE -Dws.stack=$WS_STACK clean install
specify the $WS_STACK as native or cxf if you want to replace the default ws stack.
The available options for database are: hsql, derby, postgres, mysql, oracle, sqlserver
The available options for ws.stack are: native, cxf, default.