There might be a requirement to select a grid row on right mouse click or execute an action on right mouse click on rich:extendeddatatable.
The situation like selection of a grid row and opening a context menu on right click of a grid row with the information of that perticular grid row, here we need a grid selection on right click. There is no direct procedure / attribute I found. But there is a solution by updating rich:extendeddatatable client API, I have able to add this feature to the grid. Here by I am giving my workout..
In richfaces-UI jar , I have updated extended-data-table.js to add a new listner like this
In method addListener changed like this
function(tr, rowIndex) { if
(tr) { var
listener = this.processClick.bindAsEventListener(this, rowIndex); Utils.DOM.Event.removeListeners(tr); Utils.DOM.Event.observe(tr,
"click", listener);
//new listener added by debdutta@:start
var listener1 = this.processMouseDown.bindAsEventListener(this, rowIndex);
Utils.DOM.Event.observe(tr, "mousedown", listener1);
//new listener added by debdutta@:end Now just before method processClick: function(event, rowIndex) Create a new method processMouseDown: function(event, rowIndex) with below code //new method "processMouseDown" added by debdutta //This will add a new feature to rich grid , selecting row by right mouse click processMouseDown: function(event, rowIndex) { if (event.button ==2){ if (this.options.selectionMode == "none") { return ; } var bSingleSelection = this.options.selectionMode == "single"; if(!event.shiftKey) { this .shiftRow = null; } var range; if ( event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !bSingleSelection && !event.altKey) { var arr = $(this.prefix + ":n").rows[0].id.split(":"); this.firstIndex = Number(arr[arr.length-1]); this.selectionFlag = "x"; if(!this.shiftRow) { this .shiftRow = this.activeRow; } this .startRow = this.shiftRow; if (((this.startRow <= rowIndex) && (this.firstIndex <= this.startRow || rowIndex < this.firstIndex)) || ( this.startRow > rowIndex && this.firstIndex < this.startRow && rowIndex <= this.firstIndex)) { this .endRow = rowIndex; } else { this .endRow = this.startRow; this.startRow = rowIndex; } if (this.startRow > this.endRow) { //bugfix //without this selection of first row with shift was broken var t = this.startRow; this.startRow = this.endRow; this.endRow = t; } range = [this.startRow, this.endRow]; this.setSelection(range); } else if (!event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) { if (this.selection.isSelectedId(rowIndex)) { this .removeRowFromSelection(rowIndex); } else { if (!bSingleSelection || this.selection.size() == 0) { this .addRowToSelection(rowIndex); } } } else if (!event.shiftKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey) { this .selectionFlag = "x"; range = [rowIndex, rowIndex]; this.setSelection(range); } this .setActiveRow(rowIndex); if (event.shiftKey) { if (window.getSelection) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } else if (document.selection) { document.selection.empty(); } } this .selectionChanged(event); } return true ; }, The above code will add the row selection listner on right mosue click for extended data table Now in the xhtml/jsp page , If you want to execute same action like onRowClick, add the below attribute , for rich:extenededdatatable, onRowMouseDown ="if(event.button ==2){ <put the required code here> }" Hope this work might help you if you have same requirement.