Current Status
Implemented tasks:
DataTable - implemented support for the SubTable, ColumnGroup, richfaces/standard jsf Column components;
- base render/component classes for the data iteration components
- header/footer/caption facets support
- visual models support. Implemented DataTable visual model initialization, processing, synchronization ~30% is done.
- col/row spanning
- base js api for the sorting feature (with stub for the client side sorting feature)
SubTable - implemented support for the ColumnGroup, richfaces/jsf standard Column components
- header/footer facets support
- collapse/expand feature (implemented ToggleControl + client js api for the expand/collapse)
- visual model support. Implemented SubTable visual model initialization, processing, synchronization ~30% is done.
- header/footer facets support
- built-in sorting controls ~40%
- "breakbefore" feature
Extended DataTable
- implementation discussion forum thread
- component
- renderer
- columns resizing
- frozen columns
- column header/footer facet support
initial skinning support (encode skin style classes for the dataTable, subTable, rows, cells ), developer-sample.
Near Term Tasks
- discuss necessity of built-in sorting/filtering feature
- discuss should sorting/filtering controls be implemented as separate controls like subTable toggle control
- implement sorting/filtering support for the DataTable, SubTable components
- paging support design and implementation discussion
Extended DataTable:
- columns reordering
- "no data" facet support
- header/footer facet support
- "caption" facet support
- AJAX scrolling
- AJAX sorting/filtering
Longer Term Tasks
- implement DataScroller component
- component/renderer classes
- client js api
- component logic
- pagging support implementation
- pagging support for the nested iteration components
- selection/selection controls
- "no data" facet
- the same task for the SubTable component (not in jira)
- columns visibility
- testing/bugfixing.
Extended DataTable:
- columns visibility
- selection
- columns menus support
- client-side API
- customizable built-in statuses
- accessibility features
Requirements for ALPHA2
- (see "Features" section)
- Code covered by unit tests
- ALPHA-2 tasks per components
Estimation on Effort and Time
- sorting support for the DataTable estimates 7-10 days ;
- filtering support 3-5 days
- "no data" facet 1/2 - 1 day
- columns visibility 1/2 day
- pagging support
- basic render/ui 2-3 days
- extend dataTable dev sample with DS 1/2 day
- client js api 1-2 days
- paging support for DataTable/SubTable 2 days
- paging visual model 1 day
- paging support for the iteration components 3 days
- synchronization of separate data scrollers 1-2 days
- selection/selection controls 5-7 days
- unit tests development
- dataTable renderer/ui - 2-3 days
- sorting - 1 day
- filtering - 1 day
- paging - 2-3 days
- selection 1-2 days
- testing/bugfixing - ???
Extended DataTable:
- columns reordering 4 days
- "no data" facet support 1/2 day
- header/footer facet support 1/2 day
- "caption" facet 1/2 day
- AJAX scrolling 7 days
- AJAX sorting/filtering 5 days
- unit tests development ???
Features which are seems could be postponed to the next release
- grouping
- ajax keys
- need additional discussions
- customizable built-in statuses
- implement AbstractSequenceDataModel
Extended DataTable
Necessity of next features should be discussed.
- subtables/grouping support
- Col/Row spanning
- expand/collapse subTable feature
- subTable header/footer facet support