Current Status
- Works on unified component API article
- "RichFaces.Event" first version has been done. Nick is going to review it.
- Codebase for client-side library left almost untouched since A1 (code review has been done)
- Implementation of cleanup for AJAX updates (Depends on EG and Mojarra team)
Near Term Tasks
- Unified component API:
- API itself
- Unit tests
- Examples
- Documentation
- Implementation of cleanup for AJAX updates
- Unified events API:
- API itself
- Unit tests
- Examples
- Documentation
- Positioning utility API:
- API itself
- Unit tests
- Examples
- Documentation
Longer Term Tasks
- Setup JSDoc build:
- Selection of base object-oriented library for JavaScript (TBD: do we need it at all?):
- Base behavior classes (may go beyond ALPHA2 as this is assumed to cover most components building blocks)
- Requirements analysis
- Architectural design
- Development
- Documentation
- Testing/bug fixing
- Prototyping namespaces support in portals prototyping (JS & CSS):
- Yahoo performance rules prototyping (insertion of libraries to the page end:, usage of CDNs, multipart requests resources loading:, etc):
Requirements for ALPHA2
Umbrella task for CS-library:
- Component API is implemented in A2 and used in table components
- Events API is implemented in A2 and used in table components
- Positioning and base D'n'D API is implemented in A2 and used in table components
- Code is covered by unit tests. QUnit is used for this.
- Code is covered by functional Selenium tests.
- System of base behavior classes analysed and designed
- Prototyping tasks mentioned in long term task is completed in A2
- All public API has JSDoc
- JSDoc build is set up for the project
Estimation on Effort and Time
- Prototyping work:
- Namespaces support - 5(??) days
- Y! performance rules - 5(??) days
- Works on unified component API article - ?? days
- Component API is implemented in A2 and used in table components - 2-3 days ??
- Events API used in table components - 2 days
- Positioning and base D'n'D API used in table components 3-4 days ??
- Setup JSDoc build - 2-3 days ??
- Unified events API:
- API itself - almost done
- Unit tests - ?? days
- Selenium tests - ?? days
- Examples - ?? days
- Documentation - ?? days
- Positioning utility API:
- API itself - 4-7 days
- Unit tests - ?? days
- Selenium tests - ?? days
- Examples - ?? days
- Documentation - ?? days